wing clipping and roosting


13 Years
May 12, 2011
Sorry if this seems like a "stupid" question.
We (of course) are new to chickens and I have been reading about wing clipping. My question is - can they still get to their roost (about 4 feet up) if their wings are clipped? How does that work? I'm not sure that is is necessary as we have huge yard that is mostly fenced, but the farmers I got the chickens from (4 really funny girls, the chickens - not the farmers) said we should clip their wings.
If they cant fly up to the top roost stagger the roosts so they can jump from one to another I have 3 roosts 1st is about 3 feet. 2nd 4.4 and the 3rd is at about 6.5 feet and they all want that one. my lowest roost is in the middle 2nd roost is in front and 3rd is in the back so the just jump roost to roost I have ramps from 2nd to 3rd roost but it gets used very little if that make to clipping the wings I dont know
They can get to their roosts now, I'm just wondering if they got their wings clipped, would they still be able to get up there or would I have to lower the roosts? The farmers where I got them had the roosts quite close to the ground. btw, my girls are good fliers. We frequently find them on the gate to their coop or on the roof of the playhouse that we converted to a coop. Very funny. Even funnier is seeing them jump to get berries from the mulberry tree!
At 4 feet they should make it watch them Ive seen mine jump over 2 feet high just jumping.....clipping their wings stops them from maintaining flight but the can still get off the ground a little
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