Wing clipping?


11 Years
Oct 6, 2008
St. Clair, MO
I was wondering what you all think of wing clipping and how you do it. How much flight does it atually take away? I am wondering because I am putting up fencing around my coop and the girls will have that as a run also, but I don't want them flying out (the fencing in about 5 ft high) and I dont want to cover it because I will have to step inside the fencing and also my coop door open up-ward and I can't open it if there is covering on the fence!
OH OH I KNOW! I just did this yesterday and it works. My EE was flying up over the coop and we took her into the house...gave her a treat and slowly put a towel over her head and while my hubby held her (she did not put up a fight at all) I cut her wings down. Does not hurt them at all as long as you don't clip to much. you will know if you clip to much will bleed. AND HURT THEM. I didn't do this but seen someone who did.
ALso, if you want I can get a picture of the two wings tomorrow for you so you can see the difference. I only had to clip one wing and she can no longer make it to the top of our 6 foot fence
She was the only one who could...she is built like a hawk!
That would be great! I'm hoping this will work! about how much did you clip? like one fourth of the wing, or what?
Ok if you spread the whole wing out while holding her you will see two different layers. Cut the long flight feathers not the shorter ones. You cut them to the same length as the shorter ones. You will be able to see pretty clearly when I post the pics for you tomorrow. I have to do that after work though and I get done at 3pm.
i clipped my OEG's , no effect, infact they got mad and runnoft (ran off)

It worked great for my EE ...she did get mad when she could not clear the fence so every time she would fall back down after trying she would go peck at someone!
I just clipped my ee's for the same reason tonight. I tried catching then in the day time but it is much easier when they are roosting on the 6' back fence. They think they can sleep up there at night.

I just plucked one at a time off the fence put a towel around them then pulled out the wing I wanted to clip then had my hunny hold the wing while I cut. So tomorrow we will see if any of them pop over the fence again.
I have 6 mixed bantms, NO IDEA what they are but 4 of them are TINY and one is small and the rooster is a little bigger, maybe 4 pounds at the most.

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