WingClan, a Chicken clan ЯР--> 'Fly with the breeze'

So you both moved all you're characters to SF.

not all, jademoon and acki cho is still there

grumble, one is sick, the other one is a trader.
she didnt even flinch and runs at her, then jumps right on the back, dislocating the wings, making ti were it would take a few hours to but them back in place "yep, i am"

(ask boo if i can kill her please)

(uh, so she was just stabbed in the chest in two places and yet she can jump up and run back at Hellpaw like nothing happened, does anyone else see something wrong with this?)

Hellpaw grinned, her eyes cold and controlled. She was just warming up "Say goodbye, my little friend" She snarled, throwing herself back into a boulder. As Topaztorture slammed into the boulder, Hellpaw was able to wriggle from her grasp and spin around to bash the other hen's head into the rock until it was bloody and hardly recognisable. She shrugged her wings back into place and kicked dust on Topaztorture's unconsious body before stalking away.
(uh, so she was just stabbed in the chest in two places and yet she can jump up and run back at Hellpaw like nothing happened, does anyone else see something wrong with this?)

Hellpaw grinned, her eyes cold and controlled. She was just warming up "Say goodbye, my little friend" She snarled, throwing herself back into a boulder. As Topaztorture slammed into the boulder, Hellpaw was able to wriggle from her grasp and spin around to bash the other hen's head into the rock until it was bloody and hardly recognisable. She shrugged her wings back into place and kicked dust on Topaztorture's unconsious body before stalking away.

(she can handle pain greatly but it would not be long before she would pass out)

when the paw back was turn, topaztorture goes over the border then pass out away from BC, for now.....
Rainsong spread her wide, lavendar wings and sunned in the dustholes, allowing the warmth of the sun to creep up her feathers, enjoying the soft lulling of the early waking Cardinals as they sang their hearts out on the treetops.

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