Wings of War RP chat thread

OK, we need to discuss fledges to fledgers.

Honeycomb, oster
PineComb, Vaast
Eclipse, Norra
Raccoon: Vaast.
I want to move someone to Sodra since i apparently don't have a fledge there... Maybe i should just make Fern in Sodra?


Blossom, Oster.
I think i wanna change Storm to a fledger, he's in Vaast. Heavens, if you are currently adding people to a member page i feel so bad XD On the old BYC the fotf member page i made editable to people that were in the RP, but i don't know if that's a setting on here

Quoting to keep on this page.
Dude, Steel HAS to fledge Pinecomb again. :lau

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