Winter incubation set, anyone else!!

I did my candling today and unfortunately, I think my shipped eggs are all duds:( I saw veining in only a few of them but it didn't look like normal veining to me, it just kind of looked gloppy and I didn't notice any movement. A few did appear to have air pockets, but no veining:( I left them all in in hopes that I am just missing something. I didn't have high hopes for them to begin with, but you always hope for the best, ya know?! It is a bit disappointing to say the least...maybe I will end up being wrong.
leave them and check in a few days
I did my candling today and unfortunately, I think my shipped eggs are all duds:( I saw veining in only a few of them but it didn't look like normal veining to me, it just kind of looked gloppy and I didn't notice any movement. A few did appear to have air pockets, but no veining:( I left them all in in hopes that I am just missing something. I didn't have high hopes for them to begin with, but you always hope for the best, ya know?! It is a bit disappointing to say the least...maybe I will end up being wrong.
I did my candling today and unfortunately, I think my shipped eggs are all duds:( I saw veining in only a few of them but it didn't look like normal veining to me, it just kind of looked gloppy and I didn't notice any movement. A few did appear to have air pockets, but no veining:( I left them all in in hopes that I am just missing something. I didn't have high hopes for them to begin with, but you always hope for the best, ya know?! It is a bit disappointing to say the least...maybe I will end up being wrong.

Ok Sunny... We'll be hopeful together! Like I said, I only y saw veining in one. But I have EE and Black copper maran eggs, which are dark and hard to see. I have darkness in some where I can't see veins. I'm hoping the darkness is hiding something good. It's true... Thinking about not getting chicks after the money spent to get here... Sucks! We'll cross our fingers together!
I put my eggs in lock down yesterday! Should be hatching by Tuesday. I think all the Leghorn EE crosses were moving and I could see their little toes and nails! it is so easy to see in those white eggs. I have a 400 lumens flashlight ordered so hoping I can see in those dark EE eggs and Marans too.

When I got the shop yesterday my brooder light was blown!
I lost two babies
2 of the Leghorn EE crosses did not survive the 54* temps
I hope the rest will be fine and have no problems because of the cold they indured. I had a brooder warmer in there but it only was getting to about 75* but it kept them alive. the two that died were not under the warmer. When the light blew the could not see to get to the others under the warmer.

Good luck to all those hatching right now! Go babies GO!!!!!!!
I will be getting some turkey eggs next week and I can't wait! I've been trying to hold off but I can't help myself. They are Royal Palm and Bourbon Red crosses, I may get some pures out of it but it doesn't matter to me as long as I get some poults.
Yeah, I am eager to know about the new chicks too, Bobwhite! Thank you for the encouraging words everyone, I cant wait till our own due dates to see what we all get
I have some pure lavender Ameraucana splits going into lock down tomorrow. I'm afraid I only have two that are viable..can't see that well into the eggs, which I know is normal with the blue eggs, but the air sacs are way up the side. I will try of the viable ones is an EE..a pretty green, one pure might make it. Crossing fingers!

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