Winter incubation set, anyone else!!

My first and only pip just died. I had enough waiting and went to help him hatch. I was too late.
I have 5 eggs left but no action yet.
Oh no what happened?? I'm so sorry! Hopefully your others will hatch soon!

I just went and checked on my eggs.... Decided I should play them chick cheeping to get them going.... I swear I heard an egg cheep after I turned off my phone. Hmmmm. My ears are probably playing tricks on me.
Got up at 430 and the one that piped yesterday at 4 is here
. No signs of of movement on the other 9. Hope something happens soon from one of them this waiting is driving me nuts but today is day 21. And for those that need pics
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Huh, that's strange that it can't be seen. Here I'll just link it, its on Youtube:

At 6am, we had two more chicks decide to hatch, and then one at 8am. What am I going to do with so many chickens? :p
Aw so sorry! This is a question for everyone I suppose.. at what point do you help a chick? How can you tell that you need to assist?
My first and only pip just died. I had enough waiting and went to help him hatch. I was too late.
I have 5 eggs left but no action yet.
It was pipped for 24 hrs.

I do have awesome news now! We watched one EE hatch about an hour ago. I'm so happy! It having hatched is finally motivating the chick that has been pipped since noon but has done nothing else. It's finally starting to zip.

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