Winter is here and the chickens won't go to bed

It's just a little string of LED Christmas lights in a jar to put some light in the coop. I didn't start doing it until they had been staying out at night for awhile (it was an attempt to lure them back in at night
). There's nothing else inside the coop - it's built for just the 4 girls I have so it's not very big and I rake their bedding around every day, so I don't think anyone else is living in there. I've blocked off their access to the space under the coop for now and that seems to be directing them back inside. I might just have to leave it that way for a few weeks.
It's just a little string of LED Christmas lights in a jar to put some light in the coop. I didn't start doing it until they had been staying out at night for awhile (it was an attempt to lure them back in at night
). There's nothing else inside the coop - it's built for just the 4 girls I have so it's not very big and I rake their bedding around every day, so I don't think anyone else is living in there. I've blocked off their access to the space under the coop for now and that seems to be directing them back inside. I might just have to leave it that way for a few weeks.
Maybe it's too small and it's stuffy and crowded in there?
Are the lights on all the time?
How much light comes from this string of lights in a jar? I was thinking you had regular lights. Chickens can't see in the dark. As the sun is setting, does it go behind a building or hill or something that cast a shadow onto the coop before the rest of the yard gets dark? Maybe by the time its dark enough for the birds to want to go inside, its already too dark in the coop for them to find the roost. Even though the sun always sets in the west, it doesn't set in the exact same place all year so this may only be a problem in the winter.
Hmm, these are some interesting theories. I think the chickens can see fairly well - there are windows on both sides of the coop so a good amount of light comes in and the little lights in the jar are nicely dim. The lights go off after a few hours (awesome little built in timer - love the dollar store!). Since blocking off the space under the coop, they've been going to bed without fuss. Maybe if I leave it blocked off until the spring they'll get the hint.

Thanks for all the suggestions!
Hmm, these are some interesting theories. I think the chickens can see fairly well - there are windows on both sides of the coop so a good amount of light comes in and the little lights in the jar are nicely dim. The lights go off after a few hours (awesome little built in timer - love the dollar store!). Since blocking off the space under the coop, they've been going to bed without fuss. Maybe if I leave it blocked off until the spring they'll get the hint.

Thanks for all the suggestions!
There you go!
Chickens can form some odd 'habits', you just have to manipulate their environment to create new habits.
I'd leave the block up for a few weeks, then remove it and see what they then the new habit of roosting in the coop should be set.
Being observant, flexible and willing to experiment will teach you much.

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