Winter time for my duck


Apr 18, 2018
I have a Kiddie pool in his cage and he gets locked up at night. There are shavings and straw/hay in his igloo doghouse with some toys. Does he have to have his pool in the winter? He has a tarp over the top of his I need anything extra to block wind or make him warmer? Should I keep his pool dumped unless it’s nice outside? He stays in his pool more than he gets in his house and I don’t want him to freeze his little feathers off. First time he’s spent the winter outside
If below 35 dump water and just give him water on days when it is t going to be freezing mine will spot wash in their buckets. Also a cement mixing tub makes a nice bath tub on nicer days and easy to dump. As long as there isn’t any wind blowing over him he should be fine.

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