Winter Tips or Tricks?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 2, 2012
Do ya'll have any cool Winter Tips/Tricks to make housing feeding, and watering more efficient, easier, and practical?
What's the best way to provide fresh, unfrozen water to chickens?
What are some important insulating basics, I might have missed?
What's the best light bulb to use to provide heat?
Are my heating lamps big enough?

My coop!!

Put my food inside so it stayed dry...

Don't know what my dad was thinking here...

It's extra space my chickens don't use....

Packed the extra space with hay for insulation.....
Your coop looks like it will work but I couldn't see if you have ventilation in it. Chickens need fresh air even in winter in the coop but, no drafts on them. If your chickens are fully feathered heat in the coop is not needed as long as they are cold hardy breeds. Your heat lights worry me as the clamps can easily be bumped by chickens and could start a fire. Do not trust the clamps and little hanging wire on those brooder lights! Birds that are use to having a heat lamp and then are without due to power failure can go into shock. Many people use the large heated dog water bowls for their chickens.
What's the best way to provide fresh, unfrozen water to chickens? Put a small enclosed light bulb under a metal waterer
What are some important insulating basics? If the chickens are feathered, no insualtion or heat is needed.
Your coop looks like it will work but I couldn't see if you have ventilation in it. Chickens need fresh air even in winter in the coop but, no drafts on them.  If your chickens are fully feathered heat in the coop is not needed as long as they are cold hardy breeds. Your heat lights worry me as the clamps can easily be bumped by chickens and could start a fire. Do not trust the clamps and little hanging wire on those brooder lights!  Birds that are use to having a heat lamp and then are without due to power failure can go into shock. Many people use the large heated dog water bowls for their chickens
the lid doesn't close all the way, I also switched to a newer brooding lamp and an infrared bulb! It's about 15-27degrees here they are laying eggs like happy hens!

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