Winterized the run


May 21, 2020
Southern 8600 ft
Our run is a carport frame with chain link on the lower half and wire on the top half. To protect from snow and wind, I stapled plastic to 1x2's. Then drilled holes thre the 1x2. They were zip tied around the carport frame. I stapled the plastic's bottom edge to the wood frame that is used to secure the chain link.

The first panel (16' x 6'6") took me 2 hours to make and secure the top. I got faster (and improved my technique). In the next 2 hours, I was able to eat lunch, make/secure the second panel and staple both panel bottoms down.

We will have to decide if we think we need to build a panel for the end (faces south) and the remaining couple feet on one side. May just leave those for ventilation and sunshine.

We use clear roof panels on my bantam run. We were gonna start adding a few in the next few weeks. We put a few on here and there as temperatures drop. It depends on your climate and how much ventilation remains as to whether to do the whole run or not. I think birds can get a bit claustrophobic without at least a smaller section where they can still look out.
Very true. I'm hoping the south end can be left open. We get about 100" of snow and heavy winds, mostly from the west. I am thinking we will need to use more 1x2's to hold down the vertical edges. They're definitely flapping.

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