Winterizing coop not working out

...need to be cooped up because of weather-more than one day. I give them a wildbird seed bell- you can get anywhere look around even Walmart has them behind all the Christmas stuff in the garden center. $2.99. It take effort to peck at the the swinging bell, keeps them busy. I have six standard breed chicken and it last three or four days to eat the whole thing. My two duck try to eat it not much success with their bills they nibble on what the chickens drop.
They also love a Cabbage Piñata!
Get a large "J" hook from hardware store and a piece of cord. Screw the hook into the tough stem of the cabbage and hang it from the cord in the coop. Put it just a few inches above their heads so they have to jump to get it. Good exercise, good treat, and will keep them busy.
And hopefully keep them out of trouble!:gig

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