Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Bee......... I have a couple laying hens that turned a year old in May that I would get rid of. I have lots of new POL pullets and was gonna just butcher the gals I didn't want to keep along with the boys for meat, but I would rather not butcher my hens if someone wants them.... where is Egerton?
we are between Appleton and Shawno............. let me know, I have 2 White Rocks who lay well, though they are currently pretty bald between the roo's, the molt and my feather picker, and I have a white wyandotte hen and roo they can all go as a set if you would like, the rooster is a nice boy not mean at all, you can do anything with him, and the hens are good but not lap chickens never could tame the 2 WR but Snowball the wh. Wyandotte is a nice little hen....... they all lay between 3 and 6 eggs a week........

So all I'm still alive though I don't feel like it.........I miss my Bugsy so much, all I've done for 2 days is cry...I feel like a terrible mom, and I miss him so very much, life just seems empty right now without my little boy, he was my protector and sometimes I got the feeling he thought he was my boyfriend, followed me everywhere, couldn't pee without him he slept right next to me or with me when Adam worked 3rd at Wally......... got all jealous when Adam would hug me or mess with me and would whooff at him and howly grumble thing he alone would do.......... it's very lonely here the last 2 days, no grandson, no kids, no hubby, and no bugsy...................life really sucks sometimes...............Kim.
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I'm so sorry Kim. It is so hard to say good bye to those special animals. Just tend to feel so hollow, especially after all the crying too. I hope you feel a bit better soon. He sounds like a great dog.
AWWW--hugs to you Kim! I know how you feel, I still miss my Sarge whenever I see a pic of him or wish he was around to help with something...It's always the good ones that leave way too soon! We all know how you feel so you are among friends.

Terri O
Morning! Sorry I didn't take the time to catch up on all 70+ posts I missed yet but I will try to later today....

So for the moment I have a couple of questions:

1- What exactly do I need to do to quarantine new birds before adding them to the flock? How long do you keep them seperated? What should I be watching them for?


2- Is there anybody in the Oconto area who is looking for a few 1 year old laying hens?

I have a farmer that asked me yestersday if I would take his 20! Figured out my square footage of everything last night and I would have room for another 9, but will probably get 5 or 6 and call it good. That leaves 14 or 15. He doesn't want anything for them, is just trying to rehome them because he is feeling overrun by livestock (horses, 40 chickens, beef steers, dogs, 30 or so cats, etc,). He said they started with 10 a couple years ago but his wife keeps bringing home chicks and its getting to be a bit much. Welcome to chicken math!! I don't know what kind they are, I haven't seen them and he has no idea. He said they are all "brown egg layers" and came from TSC as chicks, so probably a bunch of mixed up little birdies.

Just let me know if you are interested and I will see what I can do to get you connected with him.

Kim, I am really sorry you lost Bugsy!!! Sometimes people don't understand that a pet can feel a lot more like a person than an animal. . . .
Morning All! I'm so sorry Kim!
I know exactly how you feel.
BF4me have been thinking about garlic too. Have to do some reading but want to get some in this fall. Have 2 full bulbs of some kind sittin on the counter ready to plant just need to look up the specifics and figure out where I want to plant it. Was thinking of doing it in a box so I could still pull the fence to disc to the garden. Got some rain this AM but don't know how much, the lawn mowin guy didn't put the guage,gauge, gage back out.
Went over to Donny's and picked out a couple of cute hens yesterday. Probably should have gone over last night and grabbed them and put them on my roost. Maybe tonight. Have a teeth cleaning at 9:40 I hate mid day appointments! It screws up my plans. Can't get dirty before hand and it's usually too hot to do any major outside projects afterwards. No check in from Bigz must still be in the woods. Hope he fills his tag soon. FT sounds like the Kentucks are rubbing off on ya. Glad to hear ET is doing coming along! That's about al I can remember right now.
Good morning! I must have been on "late" last night...only 5 posts to read this morning! I guess that would figure; I have a half hour to read today before going to cook.
So I guess you all will just have to listen to me ramble on a while!
I am hoping that my boss is in today because I need to tell her I wont be cooking any more! I really love the job but seeing as the main cook has decided to take her Fridays back I guess there wont be any days for me to work! It may be a good thing though, it sounds like my clients is going to want help on Friday mornings. THis is easier work, more $$$, but not as fun as cooking! I really would like to open a place called "What's For Supper?" I would cook a menu to carry out to serve your family. People would have the menu a month in advance and decide if they wanted to purchase for the day or not. Then I would cook up that many meals with a few extras in case of drop by folks. I think this idea would fly in a bigger city but I dont know about around here....the coolest part about this pipedream is that there is an empty restaurant right down the road with a new kitchen in it! I wouldnt need the dining room or the bar...but imagine the bash we could have there!!! Yes Virginia, everything eventually goes back to chickens....
So that is my idea.

Looks like a whole bunch of people are dumping birds for the winter! There were many ads on CL last night for free or low cost flocks. I was going to come back on and post the links here but I figured that the folks close enough already had plenty of birds! (like me!)
I sure hope Bigz is staying safe...I dont know how you hunt for bear but I hope you dont have to get too close! Those suckers can be pretty big and scary looking. Somebody said they use dogs but Bigz doesnt have any...did he go along with someone? Like Doc always says, "we worry ya know!"

Well I guess I could get another cuppa...I have a sore typing finger today so this isnt very comfortable...glad it's not a "main cooking finger!" Much easier to just read!

They really should give that Smiley a laptop! Does anyone but Jim still even use a desk machine? LOL!

Later; and have a fantastic day! TerriOreadytogotowork
morning folks,

kim sry for ya,,,,spend some xtra time with the chickens might help,,,good therapy critters

I didn't say "good morning" because it definitely sucky weather here,,,cool to the point of a sweatshirt, drizzle, I had maybe .2" of rain the last 3 days,,,,barely a dust settler

Heather some diversity in varieties for sure,,,suggest you take some time and get the soil ready in whateverkindabed you choose,,,this garlic stuff is easy but you need to dedicate some good soil and get it as weed free as possible b4 you plant next month,,,,will make life sooo much easier next spring,,Joe maybe along that fence line,,then be careful not to disturb it,,,,shallow roots so keep at least 18" away

TO I will call you soon,,,might have room for turkeys when I head south to Portage on the 22nd, IF Jim comes along he can hold them on his lap

bbl need to let the girls out

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