Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I came in just before dark.. it was snowing ever so lightly..

I took Ollie down to where I am going to set up the new pen.. I pushed all the snow to the side and scraped down to frozen ground..  plowed a path to the rack pile and am about ready to start building..  I went to Menard's today and bought 14 pounds of construction screws of various lengths..  they are on sale for about a week..  I do not like the star driven screws, but the price was right..

did I mention that these racks are not 4 ft x 10 ft ??  they are 4 ft x 11 ft..  gives me about 24 more extra square feet in the pen..  

I think I fixed the tractor tire..  I used my valve core tool and reseat the valve core..  well, at least the tire held up for the plowing I did..

I better go up and find some supper for gramma and me..

anybody want my SLW rooster ??  what kind of trade can we make ?  I do not intend to keep him, so just about any offer will be accepted..


well I offered to take him a couple posts back........... not sure what ya want in trade........ I don't think I have any chickens ya want, and my horses are off limits hehehe so are the dogs, and my son would kill me if I traded his cats, who are house cats anyway so............ how about something else?
I will have to come up that way when CassieD's chick order comes in to pick up my chicks and thought I would stop by to visit anyway while I was in the neighborhood. But I really don't have anything to trade that I can think of off hand...... these are the hens I have
5 BO, 14 EE's, 2 SLW, 3 BSL,1 RSL, 2BR's, 2 Dels, 3 SS........ my 2 roosters are Hansom the Delaware, and GrayBeard the EE, so not anything you would want I don't think, unless ya want me to get a red tom from the neighbor, or guiness, or turkey ducks......... Kim
Really? REALLY????????????? Bigfam pops out with that statement and my browser crashes? Come ON!!!!!!!!!!

How the he** did... oh nevermind. I'll just get myself in more trouble. Grumble, grumble......... This better post.
Quote: Nice job on that "H".. It still could pull it's own today..

Ollie is a 1955 Oliver Super 55 .. You don't see many of them at tractor shows.. IDK why ?
Probably because they are the most expensive to buy parts for of all the Olivers.. the engine overhaul kit is 4 times that of the Ford 8N..

I also have a Farmal A that is in excellent shape.. all it needs is a good paint job..

Not sure as she hasn't yet heard when the chicks are to be shipped, they are probably waiting for the weather to warm up some before they ship them. which is ok by me my extra grow out pens are frozen down or covered with ice/snow anyway, and I have my EE roo in the brooder house till I need him because he keeps kicking my Delaware roo's butt, and I got sick of cleaning up my poor boy.
So I'm thinking they will ship em sometime in March......well hoping so anyway, because I also want to start hatching in March for my replacements and butchering roo's... but first taxes have to come back if there's anything left of em, so I can buy my bigger hatcher, I want the brinsea octagon 20, buts it 249.00 and I don't have it just now.......... barely skimping by here, since Adams new jobs is killing us with Insurance, his checks have been pretty measly.......... like a whole 93 bucks last week after deductions, he made 600............. nice huh.......... and this week ain't looking so good either he had to wait all day yesterday to dump off the load he had now he can't pick up his next load back untill late torrow afternoon, so he is twittling his thumbs at a truck stop waiting....... arggggg its pretty frustrating......
Bl4, at least he is eating for you. Even though it doesn't seem like much, at least it is something.

Bigz, congrats! Sounds like a good holiday for you.

JJ, my first pasty butt was nearly the same way with a broody. I also intervened & washed her up.

Ooohhhhh! Purdy tractor! We have a '52 super C. It could use a fresh coat of paint too, but does that thing ever have the power! Love that old iron!

Oh, go drink your root beer Jim! Testy ol' codger.
That is not MY bird, so I can't just go out & get stuck in the snow to take a "fresh" pic of him.

Say, does anyone have, or know of anyone who has any quail antwerp Belgian bantams? My sister is looking to get some. She can only find them at mail order hatcheries & the chicks are so small that they seldom survive the cold temps during shipping. Plus she doesn't want 25 chicks. Thanks in advance for any info!

Bought a bag of baked sour cream & onion potato chips which, upon opening, looked like it was on the losing end of a steam roller. The average size of the chips were dime sized.
So I smashed them up even more and used them as breadcrumbs on some chicken legs & thighs. Talk about yummy! And since they were the baked ones, they weren't overly greasy. Turned out perfect! Still trying to figure out what to make for tomorrow. I do think a batch of HM Bailey's is in order, though. Mmmmmmm.................

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day and sweet dreams, all!
Hi All!

DrH... Yep, I could tell by the angle stretched out that they are close, but Toby is huskier and you can tell Kissy is fine.

JJ... "Yea DrH They take out the tongue just before they send it to the grocery to be turned into unharmed animal meat." You must have seen this....
This still makes me laugh!

Apyl.... Tongue is just another muscle, cook it, take the skin off and it's great. I stab it a few times with the big fork, season and pressure cook it in broth. Most people slow cook it, I've done that too.

denise....sorry about your little parakeet.

ND.... yep, I see the resemblance!

Jim... Thanks for the info on the turkey nest!

Judge....How well have you searched the coop for eggs? Sometimes they don't want to lay in nests and will find a corner or under something.

TO.... I will eat almost any eatable part of a critter except liver. Never had it anyway I liked
Yes, I like headcheese.

Mjoe..... Sounds like "Fat Tuesday" was just that! LOL

H&R.... Glad you got some good mom does! When we raised rabbits we didn't have very many good ones. The ones that we gave 3 chances to and still didn't take care of the kits, wound up food! We ate more tan we wanted to.

GR.... Sounds like you (well Adam) are getting screwed. Guess this is why so many people are getting out of trucking.

Some of the birds came out to play today!
It was so nice to see chickens, guineas and turkeys out and about.
Rooster on the menu for tonight, not sure what's going with it yet.
Night all!
I'm sorry... I can't take it anymore. People talking about liking "tongue and head cheese." I read that sentence and my mind automatically blocks out the word "cheese" and then I'm SHOCKED by all you!

I don't like tongue, any kind of tongue, in my mouth, except my own...
And I'm not even going to tell you what I call head cheese, but I can tell you I don't much like that either... :D

Night all.....

Jim you know I typed this as "tongue in cheek"... Lololololol!

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