Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

please don't ask Jim to help with the colors,,,,,we all saw what happened to the innocent tractor we all call fondly "Ollie"

This is very funny..but I really do not want to say anything to encourage you to make fun of Jim...

Here are the pics. Looks gross with snow/lack of snow and mud... but cuter come summer when I plant swiss chard all the way around for them to munch!
Any advice on colors is appreciated!
sure you people,, have fun picking on the old folks..

Kris, I might be color blind, but I don't think it would matter what color you paint your coop, It would be pretty hard to camoflage that fence..

I think the snow is done for now.. we got about 5 inches.. sorry BigZ..

as long as DD#2 is here, I am going to have her figure out why I can't send photos on regular emails..

If you want to blend in, and already have the green, add a gold and white stripe with a Capital G on the door.

Because no one thinks they can do anything about the neighborhood Packers nut, I mean fan

I love this idea, and what timing.

My mom had asked me what I wanted for my birthday. Usually I tell her nothing, but this time I told her I wanted a Donald Driver jersey. Well she did me one better. Not only did I get the jersey, but she made me a DD chicken saddle for one of my girls. How cool is that????

She made it out of some of her old scrap fabric so it doesn't look the best, but it'll probably just get trashed by the roos anyway. I love it!

Here are the pics. Looks gross with snow/lack of snow and mud... but cuter come summer when I plant swiss chard all the way around for them to munch!
Any advice on colors is appreciated!
Packer green & gold is my vote. Definitely. And a little bit of white for an accent. It'll match your barn quilt too.

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