Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Ummm, that wouldn't be 2nd shift then, would it?
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
she is meeting in the morning with a woman needing 2nd shift childcare.

I had to read it a few times too.

She dangled her participle.
CC You wish you had a roo? Careful what you ask for.
Yesterday they went in to look at Dad's arteries and found a bad valve, not operable. He doesn't want the operation anyway. So after his incision heals I'll go over and take him home. Today is his 79th B'day. Will talk to him today sometime.
Ssshhhhhhh!!!!! Don't tell my hubby I said that!
I already have 2 lavs I should be finding homes for.
Sorry to hear about your dad's prognosis. He's 79? That's how old my dad would be.
Please wish him a happy belated birthday for me!

Get better, Chad.

Kristi, thank you for the info on MLH. Huh, snubbed by a Kindle.........

Oh, Jim. We listen. You're too sensitive.
And way too knowledgeable to keep all that valuable chicken wisdom to yourself. Remember, like water off a ducks arse, er, back.

H&R, scary about your son! Don't they have some sort of inhaler to help him, or do you already have one? I'm sure if the attack is bad enough, an inhaler is just a temp patch job.

cuties! Yes, you found our very own WI Cheesehead thread. Hope you like it here. So what breeds do you have?

And just who exactly would you be picking out, Vicki? Hmmmm????????

Mel, so sorry to hear about the kitty. I'm praying he will bounce back for you.
Two words about DS's lessons: wireless headphones. Best invention ever!

I can help you out on the lavs, Bigfam.

Happy birthday, Joe! And no worries. We got an update on MLH. Aparantly her new Kindle is more exciting than us.

Not much new here. Still colder than a witches you-know-what down here. Sounds like we're in for another dumping of snow too.
Spring can get here any day now. Gotta feed the furballs and get to bed. Sweet dreams, all!
she is meeting in the morning with a woman needing 2nd shift childcare.

I had to read it a few times too.

She dangled her participle.
She did what?!?!?!?!?!? TERRI!
Guess we know what new line of work she might be looking into?

I knew what she meant. Honest. Ask her about going in & out the one way doors.
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TO- I too was getting some pointy quail eggs when they came back online, but it has straightened it self out.

Sorry, but I can't come to the Jefferson swap after all. I am signed up to attend the Wisconsin woodland owners conference in Madison.

I would rather shop for critters than sit in a room talking about trees for 8 hours, but I do get some tax breaks for participating in the forest management program, and my 25 years is almost up.

She did what?!?!?!?!?!? TERRI!
Guess we know what new line of work she might be looking into?

I knew what she meant. Honest. Ask her about going in & out the one way doors.
I know you did, but how often does one get to type dangling participle? The spell checker even let out a little puff of smoke trying to decide if I spelled it correctly
Hi All!

DrH.... sorry about your Dad
Hope he had a happy b-day! I remember helping with a drop ceiling

Krispi.... Hope you have a good summer then!

Jim... glad you solved your drill problem!

TO.... hope you find something you like. If you go 2nd shift who will do the night chores?

delish... cute CL add!

vicki.... sounds like a good day.... any day is good when you have BACON!

mjoe... Happy (late) b-day!


bl4...All the best to Runt
..... Iron Man..... one of the first songs every guitarist HAS to learn!

Dh went out before work with the mash pans and the turkey came right down and fallowed him to her pen! Good girl! Wish she was that good last night! The only concern I had about her was it was so cold and windy and she was so exposed on the roof.
Guess that's it.... Night all!
Mazo - Happy belated B-day

Cutie - Welcome

TO - good luck with the sitter job

Krispi - sorry about the job but you'll have much more fun being home with the kids ;) I kinda dred going back to work this fall when all the kids are in school full time.

Good Morning everyone. Got junk sleep last night ugh. The cat was driving me nuts. I cant wait till the weather gets better so the thing will stay outside all night. I ordered DD her golden birthday present last night, well 1/2 of it she already got a Bear compound bow early. I got her a kindle fire, I'm looking forward to using it too lol. Nothing new on the chicken front. Still no hen eggs but I'm getting a duck egg everyday from my pekin. Ugh now the cat is in the kitchen getting into something. Hope everyone has a good day.
Hi Apyl! I have a kindle HD. In fact I'm on it right now and love it! See you ;) on that "other" site . Still getting the hang of that one.

Looks like we are going to miss the worst of this snow but my girls will get extra time outside today just in case.

Not much else for now so off to get more cuppa. Have a great day everyone !!!!

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