Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi to all the new comers!

TO - congrats on the job

Jim- your pen looks great, wish I had the supplies for something like that. Very cool.

As for the person who asked about cold hardy breeds. I am new to chickens but I have Ancona, lakenvelders, cochins, silkies, andalusian, easter egger, and some red chicken and havnt had an issue with any of them not handling this winter.

Dang I fogot the rest, well I tried . Hope everyone has a good night.
I have to say, I am a little disappointed that I changed my avatar to a picture of my fat cat and nobody has showered me with compliments.

I told my husband that people were saying how pretty she was and wanted a kitten that looked just like her. He laughed and said nobody wants that stupid cat. I then had to admit that it was all a lie.
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I have to say, I am a little disappointed that I changed my avatar to a picture of my fat cat and nobody has showered me with compliments.

I told my husband that people were saying how pretty she was and wanted a kitten that looked just like her. He laughed and said nobody wants that stupid cat. I then had to admit that it was all a lie.
I had a black cat as a kid , boy was it mean.It attacked me at every chance it got. I've never liked black cats since. lol I know its a mind thing but that cat was nasty mean. I now have a orange cat. This is Savage he is a little over a year old I think.
I have to say, I am a little disappointed that I changed my avatar to a picture of my fat cat and nobody has showered me with compliments.

I told my husband that people were saying how pretty she was and wanted a kitten that looked just like her. He laughed and said nobody wants that stupid cat. I then had to admit that it was all a lie.
Your husband is wrong... No cat is dumb. Our cat was a rescue cat and he needed less than 5 minutes in our house to train everyone in the house including our yellow lab, who has never been around any other animals.
Quote: OK..I should be setting eggs for the Easter hatch.

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