Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

While I realize I might not be posting this in the "proper" place....seeing as we're all from Wisconsin..and have pretty close to the same weather, I'm hoping I can get some of your most awesome "pro's" expertise here!

Being brand new to the chicken experience, I've read everything I can get my hands on for the 6mo before we bought our farm...and am still educating myself. Here I "THOUGHT" I knew what my plan was from brooding our chicks. Sent my darling husband to Menards/Lowes to get my "supplies" and he comes home and tells me " I met this guy who had four chickens and hatches 300 quail a year, told him your plan and he said it will never work". If that's not the most discouraging sentence ever heard. This was my plan:

We have a room in our basement, while not heated it's not freezing (maybe 60*?) We have several rooms with doors that do close in there. One room is about 8x10. Concrete floor 1 foundation wall 2 wood framed walls with a window and concrete floor. My plan was to styro-board insulate the walls, ceiling floor for insulation factor. Then have set up the brooder (s), still on the fence about what kind (opinions anyone?) either tubs with proper lighting or a swimming pool for when they're larger. Also, planning to supplement heat with an infra red heater.

But......Quail guy says it will never work, bins bleed heat....and it'll cost a "fortune" to run that heater.....and we'll never be able to regulate temps My husband is taking this "Quail guys" word for Gospel..... Please help!!!
hmmm,, now how can I put this delicately ?? oh yes,, that quail guy is full of sh!t..,, yah, that's the ticket..
:thumbsup on the quail guy Jim

Girls had a great spa day. Everybody came running for the coop when I announced I had supper. Except for Soup of course because there's still snow on the ground . She just squawked in the greenhouse until I came and got her. Geesh !!!!

Remember the new gun safe I showed you last week? Well hubby told me this morning that he is going to convert the old glass front gun cabinet into a bookcase for me for the bedroom!!! Such a sweet hubby. I never ever have enough bookcases and I think he's afraid that pile of books by my side of the bed is going to fall over a squash somebody :lau
I am back from Bro's place.. It took me about 2 minutes to diagnose his problem and another 10 seconds to fix it.. His Chevy is just like mine,, side mount battery terminals.. they some become loose and fail to make contact.. I just had him polish the contacts and then tightened the bolt and everything was fine again.. Oh, yah, his main ground cable was not attached to anywhere.. good thing there is a secondary ground.. we just found a convenient bolt on the engind and grounded the main cable..

I put on mu designer's hat and figured out what I am going to do to mount the roof panels to the peacock pen..

Annie found the second , (and last) young peahen dead in the coop today.. she says that Tommy was mounting them.. he is way too big for a half grown peahen.. he should stick to his own kind, anyhow..

that turkey has killed or crippled way too many young birds.. I am not supposed to get rid of him because Ken is attached to it.. However, one of these days I might just "find" him dead in the yard from a "heart attack" ..

a couple of geese are hiding a nest behind the garage..
It is too far behind the junk to see if they have eggs in it or not..


things must be thawing out in the UP,, Ski aka Ice Man is with us again..

Dust,dust dust.. I agree..
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on the quail guy Jim

Girls had a great spa day. Everybody came running for the coop when I announced I had supper. Except for Soup of course because there's still snow on the ground . She just squawked in the greenhouse until I came and got her. Geesh !!!!

Remember the new gun safe I showed you last week? Well hubby told me this morning that he is going to convert the old glass front gun cabinet into a bookcase for me for the bedroom!!! Such a sweet hubby. I never ever have enough bookcases and I think he's afraid that pile of books by my side of the bed is going to fall over a squash somebody
squash that reminds me of a story about the Lone Ranger and Tonto..

Lone Ranger,, Look Tonto there is a big brown bug..
Tonto... squash it ..
Lone Ranger.. could be, but it looked like a big brown bug to me..
funny Jim..

I am selling..my cockerel..he is a pretty big boy and has more growing to do. Hatched in late July. Good with chicks too. His head is just above a garbage can and towers over a 5 gallon bucket

His first POL

She should have some really nice huge chicks..I will be collecting her eggs for the Easter Hatch..
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funny Jim.. I am selling..my cockerel..he is a pretty big boy and has more growing to do. Hatched in late July. Good with chicks too. His head is just above a garbage can and towers over a 5 gallon bucket His first POL She should have some really nice huge chicks..I will be collecting her eggs for the Easter Hatch..
Wow what a pretty guy, what breed is he? We love those big buggers here. I have a mutt like that. People are always trying to buy him, but he's not for sale. What are you asking for him?
Wow guys, thanks for the nice reaction to me not eating the chickies I meet :) that is not usually ppls response!
Jim, I had some car problems today! Want come fix it lol

Babylady4, congrats on kitty! I lost my black guy a year and a half ago :'( big lump in his kidney. He was ripe ol 18!!!!!! Miss him tons!

Delish, maybe my Rae has some of your roo in him lol. Looks very close in color, but probably half the size! Probably is why he gets so expected! And he's super docile :)

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