Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Nice Day Outside Today..keep em coming weeks at a time.

Depends on the broody Tomski...some of them will stay broody to the point of wondering if they will die on the nest, while others give up early...kinda wait and see what you have....orps are kina good long sitters...hope you can get some fertile eggs in time. I'm with ya on moms are the easy road to chicks....sure beats having to run the brooder. Simple food and water is much easier.

Wi Black bear loins roasted with sauerkraut. Green beans with carrots and sharp cheddar cheese dressing with cajun spice and a baked spud....delicious...glass of red wine for wash.

I've been feeding the deer in the backyard..the numbers keep growing with the deep snow. They are feeling winter now...i'm sure they have depleted their fat by now.

Have Fun... bigz
I have been watching The F Word.......... and no, it is not what you are thinking..... Gordon Ramsay had a show on in England called The F Word; F is for FOOD. I miss watching cooking shows, it gets me cooking again. Last night I decided to whip up Crepes Suzette, tonight I decided to go Mediterranean and made Fettuccine noodles tossed with chicken, leeks, button mushrooms, fresh spinach, artichoke hearts, and garlic sauteed in bacon fat. Tossed the cooked crumbled bacon into the pasta dish and added the juice from half a lemon, olive oil and tossed. Topped it off on the plate with some parmesan and some garlic bread. YUMMY! I really would have enjoyed a nice glass of vino with it, but I will survive......

I am also making the DH his birthday treat. He enjoys this trifle that his mom used to make. It is an angel food cake cut up into bite sized pieces, folded into a chocolate mousse, and allowed to set up in a 9x13 pan. I have not made this for him in a VERY long time; so long that I had lost the recipe and had to get it again from his mom. Ladies, SAVE those OLD church cookbooks! There are absolute gems hidden in those pages...... great scratch cooking right there.

Going to try and give the cat his full 48 ml of food tonight..... should be interesting...
We have BCM, but what is GLO?

We currently have no bantams, but let my son see them and he's all over them. Of course then he freaks when FatB@%#rd, a monster of a dark Cornish, tries to mate them. Our Silver Spangled Hamburg likes the big girls and the big boys like the tiny girls. Stupid chickens. But then I have a Midget White Tom that is deeply in love with my pet Broad Breasted White hen. He has a fit when she comes in the house to warm up. He runs around the house freaking out.
We have BCM, but what is GLO?

We currently have no bantams, but let my son see them and he's all over them. Of course then he freaks when FatB@%#rd, a monster of a dark Cornish, tries to mate them. Our Silver Spangled Hamburg likes the big girls and the big boys like the tiny girls. Stupid chickens. But then I have a Midget White Tom that is deeply in love with my pet Broad Breasted White hen. He has a fit when she comes in the house to warm up. He runs around the house freaking out.

GLO.. Gold laced Orpingtons

To tell you his breeding I would have to tell you my chicken history..

When Jessica was 5 we purchased a farm. Raised pigs, sheep, muscoveys and goats. My DH wanted chickens..I said No chickens. I had visions of cleaning out chicken coops as a kid and being sick from the smell at my grandma's farm. I came home from work one day and found a box of chicks on the stoop.
My DH showed his goats and sheep and i started to pick up things from the shows about chickens. I purchased a really nice RIR trio. I decided to try Cornish. I liked the meat, but, did not like the bird, so I crossed it to the RIR. I liked it much better. Than I seen some really nice pretty silver pencil rocks at a show and purchased some chicks..I crossed that into my line. I wanted better egg production, so I added leg horn. my size dropped, my egg production increased. I added more Cornish...well by that time..those Cornish were so much different than the older Cornish. My daughter started 4H and a neighbor supported 4 H pretty good and we got a few really nice White Rocks from him. When Cornish X became popular. I added that to my lines. ...So..that is what Black Foot is...He is now producing *type* in my lines. Most of the offspring are big meaties. Nice chests..

His first POL

Nice square body..hard feathered tail... defined tent..she should start laying any day..I can see his feet prints. I am hatching out her eggs for Easter hatch.

She should get almost as big as that garbage can..with out all the health issues of a cornish X.... I have two other young pullets that are almost identical.
I would really like someone to use this beautiful bird..I hate to cull him..He no longer fits in my breeding program. I am going a different way.
:gig GLO.. Gold laced Orpingtons To tell you his breeding I would have to tell you my chicken history.. When Jessica was 5 we purchased a farm. Raised pigs, sheep, muscoveys and goats. My DH wanted chickens..I said No chickens. I had visions of cleaning out chicken coops as a kid and being sick from the smell at my grandma's farm. I came home from work one day and found a box of chicks on the stoop. My DH showed his goats and sheep and i started to pick up things from the shows about chickens. I purchased a really nice RIR trio. I decided to try Cornish. I liked the meat, but, did not like the bird, so I crossed it to the RIR. I liked it much better. Than I seen some really nice pretty silver pencil rocks at a show and purchased some chicks..I crossed that into my line. I wanted better egg production, so I added leg horn. my size dropped, my egg production increased. I added more Cornish...well by that time..those Cornish were so much different than the older Cornish. My daughter started 4H and a neighbor supported 4 H pretty good and we got a few really nice White Rocks from him. When Cornish X became popular. I added that to my lines. ...So..that is what Black Foot is...He is now producing *type* in my lines. Most of the offspring are big meaties. Nice chests.. His first POL Nice square body..hard feathered tail... defined tent..she should start laying any day..I can see his feet prints. I am hatching out her eggs for Easter hatch. She should get almost as big as that garbage can..with out all the health issues of a cornish X.... I have two other young pullets that are almost identical. I would really like someone to use this beautiful bird..I hate to cull him..He no longer fits in my breeding program. I am going a different way.
I thought it was gold laced but wasn't sure. I love our Cornish. We have both DC and WLRC. I bitched all the smaller boys last fall and kept the three largest, but with Fat Bs size I think he could kill too many of the little girls. He's twice the size of the next largest. The last time we weighed he he was 14lbs while the ones we butchered all weighed in around 8. My hubby's loves him though, so I don't know. He has no problems mounting the big girls when they are separated, but all winter he's been in with half the flock. My son has around twenty breeds of varying sizes. Squish! We would really like to get him. Just need to work out the logistics of it. We are outside of Poynette which is north of Madison. Always looking for new genes to add to our flocks. I wonder if he will stand up to Rudy otherwise known as Big Daddy. He's now 10 1/2 and still keeps all the other roosters in line. It took 4 turkey hens to get him to back down and they can easily take on any other rooster by themselves. Rudy's getting a bit long in the tooth and left his spurs in an opossum earlier this year, so maybe he's gonna slow down now and let another roo take charge.
We get to Madison..kids live there..my DH is working in Madison for the next few weeks.. He is possibly meeting someone and dropping off eggs for me next Tuesday. He could take Black Foot as long as you took him early Tuesday morning before he went to work. Maybe meet up at Starbucks..He is working on the West Side..staying on the East side..so could meet any where inbetween
We get to Madison..kids live there..my DH is working in Madison for the next few weeks.. He is possibly meeting someone and dropping off eggs for me next Tuesday. He could take Black Foot as long as you took him early Tuesday morning before he went to work. Maybe meet up at Starbucks..He is working on the West Side..staying on the East side..so could meet any where inbetween
we could bug TO and meet her at her place..if she wants company for a day.

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