Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi All!

Been reading a little all day and I'm too tired now to go back and re-read and respond. Looks like those who went to BD had a good time
Surprised more of you didn't bring something home.
Sounds like all the CB went well too. I made 2 pieces for the 4 of us so there would be plenty left for Rubens this week. Young son wanted to just skip the "meal" and go right to a Ruben for supper.... I wouldn't let him. I'm a mean mom

Apyl.... I say it's a nice little mixed hen that you got for free! Who cares what breed unless you want to breed a pure hen.

Well, I crawled into the back part of the turkey pen and tried to give the hen a dry nest. She's setting on 3 eggs the skunk didn't get. She grumbled at me a bit but was pretty good about it. She did roll the eggs back into the mud at first. then I put them back and left. I THINK she left them in the nest.... I'll see later. I they should be fertile...but after the skunk trauma and sitting in the mud for a couple of days... who knows. If they hatch, they hatch.

OK, got to get the mash ready for the girls, then bed. BTW... DH brought home over 500 lbs. of spinach rotini from work that they got in that had bugs. The place they got it from said to just dump it. I've been cooking it up for the girls and giving them some with their FF. They love it! The turkeys... not so much. If anyone wants some let me know.... It's in 2- 10 lb. bags to a case. The case I opened didn't look bad.

Night All.
Good morning. I am tired of the winter weather!!!!! Could it just get warm already? At least we had a few warmish days, so the coop thawed and I was able to rake the bedding (DL) under the roost area and mix it all in.

Ok this is to those of you using FF. My hens are now having runny poop and it smells bad. Does this mean that it doesn't agree with them?
Good Morning All! Only read a few pages back so..... Sounds like you that attended the BD swap had a good time. TO is one of the most awsome people you'll ever meet!
She's great at catching large bodied birds, small ones not so much. All I'm going to say is that Hartman Creek Park now has a quail population.
No CB+C here
even though L is irish. I love it she hates it. More white crap coming today, 10 day forecast still says winter.
Doesn't look too promising for perch fishin mid April. Won't be able to get in the driveway up nort. Stuff to do.
Ok then, I had a post all typed but my entire page closed on me. So here I go agian. Thanks for all the guesses, I think Cindlady is right, I'm not going to know what I got but do know I have a good layer. Well guess I should go let the crew out. Hope everyone has a nice day.
Good luck finding the Fluko brand..... it is Fluke. I thought I would look it up myself and see what BF4 is talking about, apparently they make several types so I think you would need some specifics. I found one for over $200.....

The thermo/hydrometer I use is one you can pick up at Wallyworld..... it runs about $10 and will give you the high and low temps and humidity so you would be aware of any spiking going on.


BigZ, I just want to insure I get pumpkins..... the dang rodents will eat the seeds. I have not started them yet, not until the end of the month.
Good luck finding the Fluko brand..... it is Fluke. I thought I would look it up myself and see what BF4 is talking about, apparently they make several types so I think you would need some specifics. I found one for over $200.....

The thermo/hydrometer I use is one you can pick up at Wallyworld..... it runs about $10 and will give you the high and low temps and humidity so you would be aware of any spiking going on.


BigZ, I just want to insure I get pumpkins..... the dang rodents will eat the seeds. I have not started them yet, not until the end of the month.
that was a fluke on my part..

I have never ever had a temp spike..

If you go to the german web site for Fluke,, you can find them for thousands of dollars.. WTH?
what can be that important ?

I have enough thermometers from so many places that I could start a collection..

I raad the comments on Amazon about many therms.. none of them praised both the therm and the hygrom.. one or the other,,, but not both..

the trouble with buying them,, is you do not know if they work until you get them home,,

I haave 3 of those AccuRites..
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You know I have 50 plus chicks ordered for mid april, about 15 brlwd. boy oh boy i cant wait. I only wish i new about all the fun people on this thread, it would have been so much more fun building a flock with all the possabilities here in Wis. I hope to hatch out some chicks and give some to some youngsters to share in the fun.
Ooh sounds fun! Thats a lot of chickies!!! What others did you get? Whd re did you get them from?
Here is a few pics of my Big Red lol. Ok first two pics are from October when I got her, the last pic is recent.
I have a cou ppl e of mix that jusst kind of inherited. I also feel curious about what they are sometimes :) but I agree that it is just great that they lay good eggs!!!

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