Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey Unk, thanks for the cheerleading on the 24Hr Auction! Those German New Hampshires are going to get too rich for me I'm afraid.
The bid went from 17 to 29 in one swoop. They sure are gorgeous though!!

Cloudy day, I hope the sun comes out soon. If we can't have warmth let's at least have sunshine!
Rough couple of days decided to cull my whole flock due to respitory illness that I thought resolved only to realize it was not and continuing to make the sick, sicker! Ugh! Never will bring in older birds or allow anyone on my property where my birds are kept! I'm not set up for that and it's too heart breaking!
Now on to cleaning up so hopefully in a few weeks everything will sanitized and safe for my babies to head out! Any cleaning reccomendations or suggestions?
Hey Unk, thanks for the cheerleading on the 24Hr Auction! Those German New Hampshires are going to get too rich for me I'm afraid.
The bid went from 17 to 29 in one swoop. They sure are gorgeous though!!

Cloudy day, I hope the sun comes out soon. If we can't have warmth let's at least have sunshine!

yeah I saw that, you should have bought her first batch as week or 2 ago, I think they went for less than $20
Rough couple of days decided to cull my whole flock due to respitory illness that I thought resolved only to realize it was not and continuing to make the sick, sicker! Ugh! Never will bring in older birds or allow anyone on my property where my birds are kept! I'm not set up for that and it's too heart breaking!
Now on to cleaning up so hopefully in a few weeks everything will sanitized and safe for my babies to head out! Any cleaning reccomendations or suggestions?
So sorry to hear this!
Did you quarantine for 30 days? If you did & they appeared fine afterward, it might not necessarily have been the older birds. Wild birds and rodents bring disease too. Some illnesses are soil-borne too. Or the birds were carriers of the disease. That would be rotten if that is why the previous owners got rid of them.

Depending on what they had kinda determines if your new ones could get ill from it. I'd wipe all the walls down, get those wood chips/bedding as far from the coop as possible and give everything a good spraying of oxine & water, then let everything air out for a few days. HTH, and so sorry.
Hey Unk, thanks for the cheerleading on the 24Hr Auction! Those German New Hampshires are going to get too rich for me I'm afraid. :hit The bid went from 17 to 29 in one swoop. They sure are gorgeous though!!

Cloudy day, I hope the sun comes out soon. If we can't have warmth let's at least have sunshine!

I got some of those eggs in the bator now. Sure hope they do well! You are right they are beautiful bird. The pics sold me in the swap.
Rough couple of days decided to cull my whole flock due to respitory illness that I thought resolved only to realize it was not and continuing to make the sick, sicker! Ugh! Never will bring in older birds or allow anyone on my property where my birds are kept! I'm not set up for that and it's too heart breaking!
Now on to cleaning up so hopefully in a few weeks everything will sanitized and safe for my babies to head out! Any cleaning reccomendations or suggestions?
sorry to hear this
, I would check at your local farm store to see what would be a good product to use.
Good morning! It's sunny here Amy...so far, and 30 on the porch already. Might be a nice day. With DD21 home maybe we will even get a ride in today! Right now she is watching a documentary about Methamphetamine. She keeps gasping at this info. I didnt realize that it was in use during WWll !

When you give chicks to a hen they really do have to be just hatched IMHO. I have found that even chicks that have to come inside to get warmed up/treated for some reason are very hard to get back to their Moms. They seem to get tame so quickly and then they dont want to follow the mom any more. As soon as a chick doesnt have a Mama's protection it is bait for any bird/critter walking around!

Today I have to go on a search for some buckets....I am thinking that I might be able to get some at the Sentry store. They usually have potato salad ones for sale. THey go quickly though! I also have to go and see if I can buy some corn from my neighbor. It got too late last night to call the mill in the trip to Madison. DOnt ever try to drive East at 4:00 on East Wash! It took up nearly 40 minutes to get from the Capitol to East Towne to deliver that bowl! I didnt realize it was so late and now I need feed for the weekend!
Second weekend in a row that this has happened!

Well, I guess I better head out and get some stuff done. Time is rolling right along!
Have a fantastic day! TerriOgoingtogetdressed
Speaking of Oxine...I have proposed this in the past. I am thinking about buying a case (you have to get 4 gals) Shipping it atrocious but if I split it with 4 people it might not be so bad. The chemical itself is not that costly. I will check it out. TerriO
yeah I saw that, you should have bought her first batch as week or 2 ago, I think they went for less than $20
Really? Blast. Didn't have room then.
eta: just went back to the old auction thread and looked them up - they went for $12!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh!!

dbca, sooooo sorry to hear about your flock. That's gut-wrenching.
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