Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi all- feeling terrible for my DS3. He has been coughing a dry barky cough for the last 2hrs up in bed. Sleeping but not well. I put Vicks on him, and I am running two vaporizers. Anyone have any suggestions? Wish I would have given him some honey, but he didn't really start coughing until he fell asleep.
Got a dozen eggs today from 14 layers! Yay!!!
Here is a picture of my little egg. Weird little things for sure!

Watching Hoarders again. Good motivation

Several of my friends swear by putting Vick's on the feet (and then putting socks over them!) Never tried it myself, though! Hope your son gets over it quickly!!

I have a little egg like that - CC says it looks like an egg fart. "Tis the season, I guess!
Several of my friends swear by putting Vick's on the feet (and then putting socks over them!) Never tried it myself, though! Hope your son gets over it quickly!!

I have a little egg like that - CC says it looks like an egg fart. "Tis the season, I guess!
A fart egg, not an egg fart. They don't have a yolk.
Good evening! I wonder how Vicks would work on the feet? (or why it would work?) We always had it rubbed on our chests and then on a rag tied around our neck. (not too tight!) I always thought the vapors needed to get in the nose? LOL! I always hated having a cold and having that sticky stuff on me! Remember the Vicks Vapo-rub things that you could breathe into your nose? Kinda like a chapstick but you breathed it in? What ever happened to that stuff?
I laughed when I saw the "bunny parts!" It is kind of a shock when seeing them for the first time.

JJ__your kids are getting so big! I do say that dd and grandpa must have been sharing the same drink though! Too funny! I think I should post a sign out front with that message...the land across the street is for sale
. The worst part is that if it ever sells we will lose our "extra" parking driveway.

4H meeting was fun! We went bowling and ate at the alley (well, the kids did) only a little drama and we go the fair entry forms handed out. DD21 and DS24 came along too. My trip to Madison was uneventful. Got the bowl delivered and the lady was delighted with it. I am glad that it is out of my basement! We stopped at the pet shop and got some of those genetically engineered Glo-fish. They look cool in the tank. My friend said that she got some for her little pond last year and they actually had babies! I can t wait to go and see them.

OK--I think I am going to hit the hay. I have to give the gecko his crickets yet...so cool to watch him hunt them!
Nighties! TerriOhappyfortheweekend!

I have a mixed flock of bantams and LF. I will be getting chicks in 2 weeks and the only broody hen I have (imagine that!) is a banty cochin. Has anyone had sucess in letting a banty raise LF? Will there be more problems with the other LF going after the chicks since its only a banty mom?

KJGoodman: I realized after I posted, that I remember talking to you in another forum awhile back!!! Nice to know there are more of us over on this side of the state. And I would still like to plan a chicken potluck for over here this year!!! Just would need to figure out a cental enough location.

I have a mixed flock of bantams and LF. I will be getting chicks in 2 weeks and the only broody hen I have (imagine that!) is a banty cochin. Has anyone had sucess in letting a banty raise LF? Will there be more problems with the other LF going after the chicks since its only a banty mom?
Ang! I guess Jim isn't the only one who has posts noone reads. My banty cochin rooster raised all of my chicks for the past 4-5 years. He is the most wonderful "mom" I could have hoped for. I mentioned it a few pages back. (Yeah, who am I kidding? By now it's more like 15).

I have no idea about giving a broody some chicks, though, if she hasn't hatched any out.
I've given my broodies extra chicks when they already had a bunch. As Terri once said, they don't seem to be able to count.
And I keep my chicks & "mom" separated from the rest of the flock. It's just a wire fence, but I don't trust leaving chicks around adults. Not until they are larger. Plus it's less stress on the broody too. But that's just me.
Thanks CC I do have a brooder pen that I need to clean out and get ready-then move her over if I am going to try it. I am hoping one of the seasoned "moms" goes broody (heck they spent most of last summer/fall sitting) What I did last time (except LF hen) was put them in brooder area for the first few weeks, then moved them out into one of the main nestboxes when they were a little bigger. However, my flcok is almost double what it was then and i have a GL Wyandotte whos a bit of a bully to the lil cochins.

I have never heard of a roo raising chicks-how adorable!!! Was he in with LF also?

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