Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I have made elderberry, choke cherry, wild raspberry, apple, plum, blackberry, rhubarb wines..
they are all very good, especially the wild raspberry

I have never had a chicken die from eating elderberries, but then I have had skunks kill geese, so I must be very different..

Ok Jimbo, you asked for it. This is a skunk that was living in my coop one winter. And the black thing in the upper left corner is one of my rabbits. Another rabbit is in the middle at the top of the pic behind the white box that says "SD", and she is SMALL. Not only did I not have any chickens killed by the skunk, but I didn't have any rabbits killed either. Just sayin.

Hi Wis cheese heads
New to the board
Wondering what is a good bread of chicks for large eggs?

Hey there, Adam! You must be bored? Or looking for your wife?
Hi Wis cheese heads
New to the board
Wondering what is a good bread of chicks for large eggs?
hello Redwolf..welcome to the group..!

lol..I bake a variety of different flavored breads but never tried chicken flavored.

Heritage New Hampshire and Heritage Road Island Reds will get you some really large brown eggs
I have a variety of breeds and I think my English Orps and my Road Island Reds give the largest on a regular day to day basis. I also have some Rocks that have a really nice size egg.

a normal carton of eggs at most homes that have heritage breeds Most egg cartons bulge and the lid hardly closes.
He's messing with us, Delisha. That's Ghost's hubby.

ETA- cool table! And nice eggs too. Did you want me to bring some gold laced eggs on the 18th? How many?
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Ok Jimbo, you asked for it. This is a skunk that was living in my coop one winter. And the black thing in the upper left corner is one of my rabbits. Another rabbit is in the middle at the top of the pic behind the white box that says "SD", and she is SMALL. Not only did I not have any chickens killed by the skunk, but I didn't have any rabbits killed either. Just sayin.

Good one!

The ham was really good! (and I did nothing with it--just put a little mustard and brown sugar on it) Less is better sometimes. We also had cranberry sauce, cauliflower and Flavored rice. I am stuffed.
It is warmer outside now than it was all day!
And now I think I shall go to bed and read my book...probably until very late...TerriO
Now Terri, I have been waiting to hear how the dang lamb was last night!

Made chicken fajitas tonight..... yummy! I just LOVE the fajita spice blend from Penzey's! All spices and no extra junk!

Oh Adam, my DH is always asking how you like HOW...... it was so great for us when he LEFT! Every time I see an OTR job I think of you..... We use Ruan when I work but have subcontracts with PFA and QC....

Working for my co-worker this week, she is off on vacation in California!!!! It will be so weird to come home at 4:30!!!

Watched Mamma Mia tonight; I love that movie! Makes me want to go to Greece...

Ok, time for bed, the kiddos have all come home to roost. DD went turkey hunting this weekend and got skunked. This lousy weather was pretty crappy for turkey hunting....
Good news! Lots of progress was made with that horse case today. The sheriff even had a vet come out and confirm the low body scores of them. It sounds liked they will be seized tomorrow. She may get charged with a felony.
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I told the girl with the dogs that got shot I would keep my ears open for any info because I know people that live in that area. And since I work at the feed store I would maybe hear if any farmers shot the dogs for chasing livestock. So she says "no, they were just chasing deer." So I said oh, you know who did it, and they told you that? Her response "It doesn't matter its illegal either way. The cops are involved and you can't shoot dogs for chasing your livestock, so drop it." My response: WI Statute 174.01. She comes back with "leave it to you to know that. @&$# off!" Oh my . . . . This was all on Facebook.

Hmm, at least she got to show her colors.

Brought to mind this scene from Liar Liar ...

Not to say I'd be the first to shoot a dog on my property, but I can understand the mentality. I remove opossum and skunks from my coops for chicken killing. Someone sitting there placing all the blame on the person shooting the dogs is certainly turning a blind eye to her own repeated inability to keep her dogs home. I'd be devastated and angry if my dog was shot chasing someone's livestock, but the most anger would be directed at myself for letting it happen.

Elderberries, huh? Hmmmm..... Sounds promising. I've got some sort of white berry bush in front of my house that the blue birds strip in a day or so in the fall. Great viewing for them. :) Not elderberries, though. I worry how well blackberries would do. We've got a couple brambles in the ditch by the mailbox, but they never get very far. The wild grape goes crazy, though. Tries to choke out my poor trees out front.

Had my very first turkeys hatch today! 3 of 4 shipped eggs, I'm pretty pleased. Both blue slates and one royal palm. Cuties. Here they are along with a little black chicken tutor. More tutors hatching by tomorrow, I hope.


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