Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey JJ, I didn't know your little guy has a hook? I was confused when you typed something about it earlier. Poor kiddo! If you feel like sharing, I'm nosey enough to ask. I'm a bad enough influence that if it was my kid, I'd tell him if he holds it up in the air like this it's the same as flipping someone the bird. (I'm sure you'd be shocked to hear I taught my 3-4 yr old sister to flip off some bullies one day when we were sledding!)

Anyone that may be interested in ducks: I have Peking and Indian runner eggs coming. I don't really want either breed. I was just helping someone get a thread unstuck. So she thinks I'm so nice she sent me 13 eggs instead of 6!

Oh poor Jim. I called and harassed him last night. Beware folks: if you give me your phone number I may just call you. Right CC?! (and boy can Robin talk! ;) ) Yes jimbo... I know you're reading this. And you weren't nearly as cranky as I expected. But I do like grumpy old men! What cabinet incubator were you going to let me have...? :D

Tomski... The Friday night meal sounds freaking delicious!!! I only get to do Friday night for camping again, but want to get up there earlier this year. When you roll in at 7 pm and Robin's had a few, she gets lippy right away. I'd like to have some time to acclimate to her BEFORE she's really mouthy... :p
I have to coop all ready to kick all of these chicks outside. I wish the weather would cooperate. It says we are going to have above freezing, yet this morning all the waters were frozen. I am going to kick them out soon!! I have new chicks due the 25th. I am taking a chick break. I have a duck that now has 9 eggs. I wish she would go broody already and start setting and stop laying.
I might take half and start them to almost hatch date, than give them back.
Hey JJ, I didn't know your little guy has a hook? I was confused when you typed something about it earlier. Poor kiddo! If you feel like sharing, I'm nosey enough to ask. I'm a bad enough influence that if it was my kid, I'd tell him if he holds it up in the air like this it's the same as flipping someone the bird. (I'm sure you'd be shocked to hear I taught my 3-4 yr old sister to flip off some bullies one day when we were sledding!)

Anyone that may be interested in ducks: I have Peking and Indian runner eggs coming. I don't really want either breed. I was just helping someone get a thread unstuck. So she thinks I'm so nice she sent me 13 eggs instead of 6!

Oh poor Jim. I called and harassed him last night. Beware folks: if you give me your phone number I may just call you. Right CC?! (and boy can Robin talk!
) Yes jimbo... I know you're reading this. And you weren't nearly as cranky as I expected. But I do like grumpy old men! What cabinet incubator were you going to let me have...?

Tomski... The Friday night meal sounds freaking delicious!!! I only get to do Friday night for camping again, but want to get up there earlier this year. When you roll in at 7 pm and Robin's had a few, she gets lippy right away. I'd like to have some time to acclimate to her BEFORE she's really mouthy...
Oh for 'G's sake, never a dull moment when Heather is on board !!!! What color runners or don't you know??? I'd take black, black and white pied, not that I'm fussy or anything !! LOL
Yeah, I think we all take things or granted. When I broke the small bone in my hand years ago and had to have a cast (even though it was my left hand) I realized how bad it was to not have use of that hand and didn't realize how it would afffect my every day life as well because of my other missing part (no Heather not my brain) lol

So anyway, CS I'll pm you abothe puppy. Where abouts do you live in Centeral WI? I was hoping to hear from VickyW. I think she needs another dog as well.
Good morning all!
Frenchie, hope yoir hands feel better qu ick! I so enjoy your ramblings. ;-)
Maybe you could teach a chicken to do your typing!

Colton, nice roos. We have just 1 to 11 hens. He has some of their heads bald! And hes smaller than them. I think roos are so pretty! Id have 10 if I knew they wouldnt constantly fight n be so hard on the girls!

Cind, can you beleive they let me take that home from the railcars at work!!!!! Its kinda a pain to lug aroind hide and wait for hubby to get a day to run the truck to town... but he biildse so much out of it! And heats the workshop!

Frenchie, ill bite. Not serious enough for a pm tho... whats the pup like? Why is he leaving his fam? Pics? Aawww man hubby would be soooo q! $ t if he even knew I asked ;-) good with kids, cats, doga, chickens. Is he a ru nner? Were installing a 3ft fence aroind the property if spring ever comes! Does he have manners enough to stay inside that?...
Im stopping now
..like I said, not that serious.

Big fam, hows therapy going for your son?
Cuties..... I pm'd you. Thanks
Colton, those are beautiul roosters you have... Wish I lived closer I would take that Australorp Roo.

You sure seem to have a good head on your shoulders for only being 13yr old !!!

Do any of your brothers or sister enjoy the chickens with you or is this just your hobby ??

How'd your sis's birthday party go? ~ FrenchToast

Thanks and yes my brothers and sister love my chickens. The youngest ones that stay home from school collect eggs while I'm at school and let them out. They all love to feed the baby chicks feed and bread crumbs from their hands

My sister's birthday was great ( we made the piñata a rooster, it was amazing ) I also had my best friend come over and we talked about our chickens. It was really fun.
Say, does anyone know how Dr. Haha is doing? He has been MIA for a while......

Yes Colton pics of the pinata. (and you will have to explain how you managed to get the word to look right with the ~)
My son has what the doctors call a "Limb Deficiency" his left arm stops below the elbow and before the wrist.

He has amazed me with his ability to adapt since he was born. ie. holding a baby bottle with his feet, crawling was too hard so he just stood up and walked at 8 or so months. He still holds things with his feet like paper while he is cutting it with scissors. I favorite thing is when we point out another person with a different apendage, like the guy in the olympics that plays ping pong has a simular arm to Daniel, when we got all excited and pointed it out to him he was all ":what's that got to do with me?" who cares, so what. To me that means in his head and personality he is not looking to be recognized as different or less. To him he is the same as anyone with 2 hands.

He has had a sense of humor about it since he was 4. Kids would ask what was wrong with his hand and he would hold up the good one and say "nothing, see"

I have posted this pic before of the chick and my son

and BigFam no thanks on the bad influence, He's got me for that according to my wife.

I wanna know the wiggly line over letters thing too please. Colton
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Yes Colton pics of the pinata. (and you will have to explain how you managed to get the word to look right with the ~)


Well, first I spelt it like pinyata. Red line under it and right clicked and it came up piñata.

Oh and here are some pics of the rooster piñata my mom and I made:


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