Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

All that time you spent searching Jim for that wrench and I found it in the tub! I have the 110v bator running and working on tearing parts from the other 3 220v machines to make the best of them. Im still not sure how im going to do this as I don't think I can wire another 220amp in the house but I have plenty in the barn. I don't want it out there though. My only other option is to gut the 110 and put all those parts in the 220 machine.
ya know ? I thought I put that wrench in the tub.. but with my bad eyes, you know..

switching the 110 for the 220 sounds like the easiest way to go .. IDK, but maybe you won't even have to change out the heating element ?? if you do, it shouldn't be too difficult.. I think they mounted the same way ..

Another thought would be to attach the 110 next to the 220 and extend the turning rods .. that way you could always fire up the 220 sometime in the future while in the meantime just using the turning rods.. the 220 need not be running to do that.. I would put them in the barn, build a small room around them to help contain the heat and keep the mess away from the house..

raise them off the floor to prevent sucking cold from the ground or concrete ..


I set 42 guinea eggs, I am waiting to put them into the bator until all of today's eggs are collected.

6 or the 12 eggs I bought were cracked.. or at least seeping .. the shells are way thin..
I made an omelet with two of them got my fingers crossed for the rest..

I need some advice....

when purchasing eggs....do you prefer your eggs to be shipped on Friday or Monday? (if this was your choice)
- Seems to me if they are shipped on Friday then you will get them by Monday. Even if they sit at the post office a day, perhaps that settling time is good for them.
- Shipped on Monday, then who knows which day.... Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs, .....
Del, sounds like Cookie is bonded to you and Jo as pack leader. I come to this conclusion because she was guarding the rabbit from the chickies and Casha. If you are ok with that, and would like to take a route a bit more similar to the way Echo gaurds, I would be more than happy to offer all kinds of advise
she could still completely be outdoors, and after training be trusted with your chickies again.
But as far as training strictly lgd, I do not habe much to offer. As I am a novice in that field.
Clark, sad about that chick. You did the rght thing.
Cs, you need to put a line on the pup. That way you can teach him out. And pull him off the tarp every time he goes on.
Bbl4, I love the water bottle dea! Works wonders. Onlyissue I see cs having is that looked like a big area. And she wouldn't beable to correct at the right moment.it would turn into chasing him all over to get a squirt in

Cuties- every since I noticed he was playing a game the other day that is what I've done with him. I have him leashed and just give a tug with a "NO". He definitely understands what I am saying and even has a response that expresses "I don't want to stop, bark, but mom said I should stop". He kind of hops, barks and does what I ask. DH and I have been working on him responding to his name or a whistle and having to hunt us down. He has this down pat. The next step is for him to respond to a call when he is distracted by the children.

I need to figure out how to manage his night time barking though. I think he is hearing the racoons and is constantly barking at them. I want to acknowledge him without making this into an "I miss mommy so I'll bark" scenario. What I have done is to go out listen (sometimes get the flashlight) then tell him "ok" or if he continues I tell him "no". Jim and Cuties...any suggestions?????

Vicki- what I have noticed is that Theo's wanting to play because he is a pup still and is wanting to play with everything but doesn't understand how to or even if he can. What we do to get that energy out is to walk him around the property 3 times every morning and every night, plus doing leash training. This way he is stimulated mentally while getting out some energy. Also anytime he goes to put his mouth on something that I don't want him to, I give him a stick. I have found that he is mouthy when he is hungry. For toys he likes pig ears, ropes and balls. He also has a blanket that he drags around the yard then he'll sleep on it.

This might be more of something Jim could help with, but for us I do want Theo to bond to us and the chickens. He spends time with us and I supervise him interacting with our kids playing with the neighbor kids as well. But he also spends most of his day with the chickens unsupervised unless the chicks are out.

Jim- how do you address the puppies with chickens, nightly barking, etc?
I have never told either of my dogs to stop barking.. they bark only when it is necessary,, It is their job to bark.. they do not bark constantly all night,, only once in awhile, and it is probably AT something they hear of smell..

my Gus barks at new arrivals in cars until I come outside and say OK,, then I pet him and tell him what a good job he is doing.. some of you have been here and have seen me doing this.. maybe you did not notice.. IDK .. but that is what I do..

If I hear Gus bark at night, I say, must be something out there, and then I go to sleep..
ever since the weather has warmed up, I have not closed my chicken coop door.. I figure Gus is supposed to take care of protecting the birds.. and he seems to be doing a good job..

Gus did kill a few chickens and guineas.. I didn't have to beat him to make him stop,, I admit, I did chase him around the yard with a frozen chicken and threw it at him several times while saying NO !! G D it, NO !! he got the idea that he should not do that again.. and that was the end of it..

afterwards, he still "accidentally " ran through the crowd and made them fly a bit,, but he has learned the word NO and that is something I can say from quite a distance away from him and get the response I want..

I read part of the first thing that Mel posted.. that guy knows what he is talking about.. although he assumes we all have older dogs to help train the younger ones.. I did not read the whole thing, maybe later on he delved into the lone pup ..

what does a new Little Giant or Hova with a turner and fan cost ?

I just set the 14 guinea eggs and the 14 chicken eggs Annie collected today, along with what I had on hand from the past couple of days,, 56 guineas and 33 chicken.. hatch dates 5/28 and 6/4 ..
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Cs, for the recall games, next step is for someone to hold him back for approximately 30 seconds. So his brain has some time to wander. And loose track. This way, someone is close by to help redirect him. This also creates more drive to get your way. Then add the distractions.
I like the way you are thinking!
As far as the barking, this is also a new situation to me. I have mine I doors. And if they bark when I feel it is unnecessary, I correct. But it is not like me goi g to them. I can see your hesitation. If you go out to correct, he learns to bark to get you out there.
I can also see jims point. I like him, enjoy the dogs bark out here. I know they are likely barki g something away.
But I believe your situation is more rural. And Theo may be barking at things like the neighbors taking out the trash.
Possibly a collar that beeps when he barks. It might be enough to distract him. And then you can go out and give praise when the bark stops. Instead of trying to punish the bad. I would however not recommend an electronic shock. i personnaly have not used one. I beleieve you need to be trained before using them. And i have not yet found the need. But i have however met dogs ruined with improper use of them. It seems this is a soft breed from what I have gathered from Jim. And he will respond better to the positive reinforcement instead of correcting :)
Sound good jim? Is there ever a time when you do not want Gus to bark?
Jim- I know that something is out there but it is most likely racoons. I definitely want him to bark when necessary, but at this age everything he hears is foreign and a threat. Racoons are not the threat here, humans on foot are. The composter is on the other side of the coop and it is dark and secluded over there so the raccoons eat our left overs out of it. I don't mind because it keeps them out of the coop. Theo's dog house was moved over there once we finished it, but he did not like there and only went in for food. I know that they are a breed that doesn't really use houses, but he was growling at it last night. I think it was too close to the unknown (raccoon) visitors. So DD13 and I moved it tonight to where he always puts his "blankie". It is now next to the coop but facing the house. Continuing the attempt to get sleep tonight, I also walked with him around the property once it was dark and left the lights on in the garage so they'd provide a nightlight of sorts. Each time that I go out there our light goes on and when I leave it goes off. My thought was that it might help to have it on? Anyway, pray that he sleeps through the night...or allows me too.

Chicks are growing, egg production is increasing, and all are happy that they get to bask in the sun. We didn't get a measurable amount of rain unfortunately. We have a few more days of expected rain before I'll decide to water.

DD13 was invited to the PTSO meeting tonight to fundraise for her groups trip to Knoxville. They asked for $500, but received $1500.

I hope that everyone's hatching projects are doing well and that the bators are maintaining temp and humidity.

Welcome to all the newbies and definitely come to the bash and bring your kiddos!
I will not use a shock collar or any other kind either. I just want to make sure as he matures that I help eliminate his fears...like the racoons or maybe the darkness or being alone at night with strange things lurking in the shadows. My belief is that all animals are capable of communicating to humans, it is just a matter of whether we can understand their form of communication. My instinct has led me to try altering the few things that I did tonight and we'll see if it works. He does not respond to yelling but definitely responds to soft correction and positive reinforcement. He is my gentle giant and doesn't know how to interpret being yelled at. Also, when you think about it, he is learning a new vocabulary (human and our expectations of him when we say those words), home, people, animals, etc. That is a lot to take in and process. I think he is doing great and I am proud of his progress. He is just so lovable and willing to please.

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