Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Cs, for the recall games, next step is for someone to hold him back for approximately 30 seconds. So his brain has some time to wander. And loose track. This way, someone is close by to help redirect him. This also creates more drive to get your way. Then add the distractions.
I like the way you are thinking!
As far as the barking, this is also a new situation to me. I have mine I doors. And if they bark when I feel it is unnecessary, I correct. But it is not like me goi g to them. I can see your hesitation. If you go out to correct, he learns to bark to get you out there.
I can also see jims point. I like him, enjoy the dogs bark out here. I know they are likely barki g something away.
But I believe your situation is more rural. And Theo may be barking at things like the neighbors taking out the trash.
Possibly a collar that beeps when he barks. It might be enough to distract him. And then you can go out and give praise when the bark stops. Instead of trying to punish the bad. I would however not recommend an electronic shock. i personnaly have not used one. I beleieve you need to be trained before using them. And i have not yet found the need. But i have however met dogs ruined with improper use of them. It seems this is a soft breed from what I have gathered from Jim. And he will respond better to the positive reinforcement instead of correcting

Sound good jim? Is there ever a time when you do not want Gus to bark?
Gus has never barked when it was not necessary,, that I know of.. there are times when he barked for awhile,, but we have coyotes in the area, and if they howl, he barks.. that can go on for some time.. but that is what he is supposed to do.. he has never whined nor barked for being tied up.. he knows that it is only temporary .. he just naps while he is tied up,, napping is his favorite past time..

If you beep him to be quiet, then how is he going to know when it is OK to bark ? that is asking a lot from a puppy ..

LGD first line of defense is barking.. If anything ignores the barking and comes in, then the sh!t hits the fan .. I would rather have my dogs scare off any predator rather than get all cut up fighting with one..

If you have raccoons that close, it would be way too close for Gus.. and I don't blame your dog for barking.. feeding them at the compost pile will not deter them from a chicken dinner..
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Hi All!

Some real cute pics! I don't think my Toms would stay on a nest if you chained them to it! Too Busy showing off!

Barking.... Trying to get a dog to understand when it's good to bark and when it's not is one of the hardest things! We're in a little rural neighborhood here and Rudy will bark at anything that goes on at the neighbors as well as our place. The problem is, he barks at so much that it's hard to tell when he's barking at something important.

Night All!
good morning,

not much happening here yet.. no rain to speak of yet.. a small storm is due here after 9AM..

locking up the dog will do nothing to break it from chasing chickens.. sure she won't be able to chase while she is locked up, but as soon as she is turned loose , off she will go..

I never tie up my dogs as a punishment.. because there are times they have to be tied and then they are confused as what they did wrong.. when I call Gus to come to get tied, he comes right to the coop and lets me snap the chain onto him.. then he crawls inside the coop and lies down.. He knows that it is not permanent , so there is no fuss..

exposure , exposure , exposure,, You have to put the dog on a leash and get her in amongst the chickens.. when she makes a wrong move, you have here right there, a slap on the arse and NO !! with it , is not going to do any harm, physically or mentally ,, You would slap a child on the butt to correct it, wouldn't you ??

I do not agree with a squirt bottle .. With Maremma and any LGD, you do not want to make them afraid of anything.. these dogs have centuries of independent thinking bred into them.. work with them .. they are so easy to train..

I am not an "expert" so you don't have to do as I say.. I am only saying what works for me ..

Now I have to get a bunch of eggs ready to go into the bator.. I might wait to put them in until this afternoon, though.. it depends on if I can fill a whole flat with the ones I have collected already.. 4 dozen to a flat ..
60 to a flat if I use the blue ones.. that is for guinea eggs only ..

cuppa is gone. prolly more posts since I started this one..

Sounds good to me..
On a LGD web discussion group they recommend that I keep her behind a fence till she is two..I do not like the idea..she is free to rome when I am out..always..and does really well with supervision.... I do not like tying her up either. I have started to tie her for a few minutes to get her used to it...I would like to be able to tie her when I am not out so she has access to the birds and they can get away a little easier.

Those of you with LDG's will love this guy's dealings with his own LGD puppies...


This is a good link on training.


And another.....


I hope this helps a bit!
Thank you for the links..I have read one of them, but all the others have so much additional information that is needed..thanks again.
, going to be on the warm side today for sure. Sitting for just a minute and then will be getting my day going.

Had to wipe one of the Cali babies eye this morning- looked a little mated...have to watch that.

It's been a crazy week here- started this past weekend with the kids all playing soccer and DS(12) being in a tournament that went across Sat and Sunday- his team finished in 2nd place and DS(12) scored his 1st goal! We did Hwy clean up Sunday afternoon for 4-H and then DD had softball practice- we were all dragging. To make things even more exciting, my bro called and said that my mom was taking my dad to the hospital as he wasn't feeling good/responding to her. So my dad has been in the hospital(ICU) since Sunday- they are figuring he has pneumonia and are treating as such but have run lots of other tests to make sure nothing else is going on, we are waiting for more results to come back. They have kept him under a sedation so that he doesn't pull all the tubes and wires out and today they may place a feeding tube to help keep him on the road to recovery. I was there yesterday and he did have his eyes open and was watching everything- he kept mouthing to me- what happened and where am I- so had to explain several times to him and tell him that my mom was coming. Once she showed up he settled down- think he was looking for her! We have been taking turns going and hanging out with them at the hospital- extra thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated for them!

Hope that hatches go good for everyone

Welcome to all the new peeps! Glad you have joined us

Have a good one
Hi All!

Some real cute pics! I don't think my Toms would stay on a nest if you chained them to it! Too Busy showing off!

Barking.... Trying to get a dog to understand when it's good to bark and when it's not is one of the hardest things! We're in a little rural neighborhood here and Rudy will bark at anything that goes on at the neighbors as well as our place. The problem is, he barks at so much that it's hard to tell when he's barking at something important.

Night All!
It is all important,,, to the dog ..

those web sites are geared to actual working farms.. I don't even have such a fence on my place,, and for 2 years ? get real ..

Gus does bark when the neighbors are out and about , sometimes.. usually more so when they have company leaving and there is a lot of commotion and talking and shouting.. I don't mind that,, They said that they don't mind it either .. HeII, we can hear them, so they might as well hear us , right ?
Morning all.
After a really nice and warm day yesterday, we had a great light show north of us (Hayward) and only got some cold rain.
Had our 2 batches of ducklings out in the sunshine for about 2 hours, including a tub for them to swim and dive in. Funny, just how many week old ducklings will fit into one hand sized bowl (I counted 5 out of 7)!
And the bigger ones could not decide if they should race around and run the others over or dive under the ones in the water...

The chicks are growing also, as do the pheasant babies, supposed to hatch some more but don't have much hope for them, as they are mostly from the beginning of mating and usually not or rarely fertile. We will see, as I do put another batch of 18 in today. Gonna see what happens...

Meanwhile just tired and trying to keep up with keeping all those little buggers fed and watered, clean and not forgetting the big ones outside. Of course the doggies demand their attention also!
So lemme go and take care of the big birds now... and hopefully it clears up some and gives us the promised 78F we're supposed to get today, even if it is supposed to be thunderstorms...
I have turkeys hatching! In my incubator. I have 4 hatched out and another 3 zipping. OMBob, They are hatching. These were shipped eggs from Florida and Kansas. I could be knocked over with a feather.
Hens n roos, very sorry to hear about your dad. Amd sending best wishes your way.
Also, last year I had a bunny with an eye like that. Sis recommend holding t open and flushing it with salene. It worked wonders. Thank maybe she had hay or straw dust in it.

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