Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

That first link was mostly for the stories, he does not talk much about training. I am really enjoying the reading though, the guy reminds me of Jim.

So I had a fun afternoon! A friend of mine needed help round penning a horse at her place. She is doing some training for a friend who thought this guy needed some finishing. After his time in the round pen we hitched him up.....


And then out for a drive.....


And then I gave him a good brush down and cleaned up that mane and tail.


Happy spring to you all. I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. I am heartbroken... We have a beautiful red fox that has taken some of my girls and she is now grabbing them in front of me. My run is not fox proof and since I am 9 months pregnant, I do not have the time or energy to fox proof this summer. I am so sad to come to the conclusion I will need to rehome the last of my flock.... :(. They are so great, come when called, healthy and beautiful. I would prefer not putting them on craigslist. So if any of you would like them, I can drop them off to you or meet up with you or you could come to my home in Burlington... I will probably be crying my eyes out, but it is for the best, this fox just won't let up. I have 4 Roos.. A White silkie, a naked neck, a Millie mix, and a frizzled golden laced polish and one naked neck hen that is laying. They are all one year old. They will be missed dearly .... It would give me great comfort they are going to another chicken lover. Please reply here or send me a pm... Many thanks!
Happy spring to you all. I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. I am heartbroken... We have a beautiful red fox that has taken some of my girls and she is now grabbing them in front of me. My run is not fox proof and since I am 9 months pregnant, I do not have the time or energy to fox proof this summer. I am so sad to come to the conclusion I will need to rehome the last of my flock....
. They are so great, come when called, healthy and beautiful. I would prefer not putting them on craigslist. So if any of you would like them, I can drop them off to you or meet up with you or you could come to my home in Burlington... I will probably be crying my eyes out, but it is for the best, this fox just won't let up. I have 4 Roos.. A White silkie, a naked neck, a Millie mix, and a frizzled golden laced polish and one naked neck hen that is laying. They are all one year old. They will be missed dearly .... It would give me great comfort they are going to another chicken lover. Please reply here or send me a pm... Many thanks!

Aw, is there any family that can help you fox proof so you don't have to rehome your little friends?
I would offer, but our 6 hens seem to produce about enough for our use. I know you'll be able to find someone great on here!

If anyone needs a little black Silkie roo, let me know. He's 11mo old.

and I'm interested in buying some fertile eggs.. our white Silkie is broody and sat on an egg for the last three weeks. The chick didn't hatch and is no longer peeping from the shell. So sad. She's still sitting on another egg that isn't fertile, and a golf ball. I'd like to get a few fertile eggs to see if she has better luck another time around. I feel bad for her, she was a very devoted mama sitting on her clutch! Do they know when their chicks pass?? We've only raised chickens this past year, so hatching is new to us.
Only 3300 posts since I was last here...yikes.

Hello everyone!

I have posted these little guys now their getting older I am really stumped on 2 of them I had suggestions they were EE but they don't have the little puffs on their cheeks so can you tell me if so Please

too hard to tell..one looks to be a bar or cuckoo cochin ..the other looks to have an orange breast possibly a dorking.
Aw, is there any family that can help you fox proof so you don't have to rehome your little friends?

I would offer, but our 6 hens seem to produce about enough for our use.  I know you'll be able to find someone great on here!

If anyone needs a little black Silkie roo, let me know.  He's 11mo old.

and I'm interested in buying some fertile eggs.. our white Silkie is broody and sat on an egg for the last three weeks.  The chick didn't hatch and is no longer peeping from the shell.  So sad.  She's still sitting on another egg that isn't fertile, and a golf ball.  I'd like to get a few fertile eggs to see if she has better luck another time around.  I feel bad for her, she was a very devoted mama sitting on her clutch!  Do they know when their chicks pass??  We've only raised chickens this past year, so hatching is new to us. 

I could have family rally together, but I am hoping a new home will be a good option. It is my first baby so I know I will have a very busy summer and the feeling of being hunted is really stressing me and my chickens out.... Thank you for the reply though! I will for sure have a fox proof run next year the year after, chickens bring so many smiles to our family :)
sorry to hear this Keri, I am way too far away to do you any good, but there are people closer to you who might be able to help..

that horse looks like it has a Mules nose..

I have some eggs that have to go into the bator right away.. IDK how long Jerry's hens sat on them. He said none of them were more than ten days old.. I think there is hope for them.. IDK what hatch date to put on them, though ..I think I will give them 2 weeks and place them on the bottom rack..

Jordan came and picked up 4 goose eggs.. another IDK .. Annie found them inside the guinea pen. the goose hasn't been in there for almost 2 weeks..

man, all these IDK's.. i sure feel stupid tonight ..

Someone drove 1 hr and 45 mins to pick up 2 of my one month old bantam cochin cockerels! He really wanted those birds. I'm happy they found a home. I bought 4 cochins from Welp hatchery, 3 turned out to be cockerels. Lucky me.
CS, I did not cut one strand of hair off that horse that was all brushing..... and I braided his forelock so he could see.

He has a bit of a Roman nose, hence the mule look.

Keri, good luck, I am so sorry you are in this situation!

Nice headache tonight, my punishment for having a good time playing with the horses.

Hey... I think I'm coming down with the flue! Got that flue body ache
Hope it's just the weather.

Keri... PM me... don't feel well enough to write right now.

Night All!

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