Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Waiting to run/walk my first 10kwith my youngest DD. Hoping we finish within the hour and a half allotted.

Going to attempt fishing again this afternoon...... hoping we have no more trips to the hospital.

Otonoh, you could have gotten chicks from your fellow cheeseheads I bet. So sorry about your girls....
no running with sharp objects in your hands.. we know your track record about that ..

I am trying to make a hatching chart that I can store in the computer and access and change it whenever I need to..

I prolly will end up doing it on paper..

nothing new or exciting around here..

the neighbor worked up my garden while he was doing the field around us..
His equipment goes so deep, I will prolly have a few tons of rock to pick..


You could also get a dry erase board and make notes on it. Fast and easy to note and correct, in eye sight (depending on your glasses working tho) and less trash too. Just sayin'....
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Btw, does anyone maybe have a gosling or two too many? Was hoping to find one at the swap but there were neither geese nor goslings at all :( maybe someone within acceptable driving distance (Barron, Hayward, ladysmith etc) that don't charge an arm and a leg? Emden would be great! Can also be a yearling or Easter gosling... Thanks!
Btw, does anyone maybe have a gosling or two too many? Was hoping to find one at the swap but there were neither geese nor goslings at all
maybe someone within acceptable driving distance (Barron, Hayward, ladysmith etc) that don't charge an arm and a leg? Emden would be great! Can also be a yearling or Easter gosling... Thanks!
last year I had a few of them,, I had such a hard time getting rid of them for the past couple of years. I got rid of all but one pair,, they would be gone too, if I had my way around here..

It is a good thing that I started making my hatching records..
today is due date for some of my chicken eggs to start hatching.
I could hear chirping so something is close..

I just plugged in the hatcher to warm it up.. in about a half hour I should have eggs in there..

when Annie gets home from town, she is going to find a dry wipe board for me,, I didn't even know we owned one..
she prolly has a stack of them somewhere ..

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last year I had a few of them,,  I had such a hard time getting rid of them for the past couple of years.  I got rid of all but one pair,,  they would be gone too, if I had my way around here..

It is a good thing that I started making my hatching records..  
today is due date for some of my chicken eggs to start hatching.
I could hear chirping so something is close..

I just plugged in the hatcher to warm it up..  in about a half hour I should have eggs in there..

when Annie gets home from town, she is going to find a dry wipe board for me,,  I didn't even know we owned one..
she prolly has a stack of them somewhere ..


Well if you might have a word with your Annie and let her know that the geese would be housed in their own condo, have 2 lakes to swim in and would get spoiled to high heaven, maybe she would let them go?! Or do you happen to know someone that is looking now to get rid of a couple?
Quote: we have a group home,, our one and only resident breaks bread all day to feed to the birds.
So I have to keep the Gander, Baby Huey, and his mate.. and I have one old Tom turkey that will die of old age here too, I suppose..

TerriO had a whole bunch of geese last year,, maybe she could chime in here..
FT in Rhinelander had a few also, only she is too good to associate with us unless we are on facebook, I guess..


??? did somebody shut this thread down and not tell me ???
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Survived the run. I walked the whole thing, I was going to walk and run but I ended up with some awful shin splints that were so bad I wondered if I was going to make the entire distance!

Jim, I think everyone is just outside getting everything done during this nice weather.

Tried fishing again tonight, nobody caught anything except submerged trees.
Thanks Jim! Will see what TerriO has to say once she decides to chime in these days ;)

Was outside with the ducklings most of the day, finished up the first of 6 duck condos, got inspected right away by the big ones and they moved in right away! Lol. Was supposed to be for the big little guys, but we moved them in the old duck house til tomorrow when we let the big ones out again.
Yep we were outside all day. Cleaned out the coop this morning and weeded the garden. DD11 had a soccer game at 1pm, then I weeded and added straw to the strawberry patch. Put some of the straw in Theo's dog house too. DS had his game at 4, then we closed up the fields. Had left-overs for dinner then took the kids and Theo to the dog beach. He is loving it!!!! He ran up and down the sand hills (close to 2 stories tall) and ran in and out of the water. All of that exercise will help strengthen his legs so that he can jump into the van on his own.

Yesterday DH & I bought a new bed and it will be delivered Saturday. We also went on a spending spree with the kiddos for shoes and clothes. As reward we also went to Cherry Berry for dessert as the kids did a great job cleaning their rooms early Saturday.

Eggs are back to normal # per day, the chicks are growing fast and eating alot.

Sorry about the dog attack otonoh

Delisha-the guy says this coming weekend he can get them.

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