Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Afternoon All....here is another Turkey pic for those that hunt...

I'm gonna go after the white bass hopefully too, but the lilacs aren't open yet and that's my cue.

Looks like folks to the North of here are gonna really get dumped with rain. I was hoping to get the gardens worked this week, so I hope it misses us....time will tell.

Well went to Menard in Eau Claire today to find 220v light bulbs but no luck.
You gotta go on line for 220 bulbs,,, OR go to an electric contractor supplier,,
we have Etco here is wausau,, they might have some..

Brent, are you sure that isn't the same picture from earlier this year ??

I just transferred a bunch of eggs into the hatcher.. I have 3 guineas already out and running around..

I thought there was a stinky egg in that bator, but I couldn't find it.. I did find a cracked egg, but it did not stink,, (anymore ?) maybe ..

You gotta go on line for 220 bulbs,,, OR go to an electric contractor supplier,,
we have Etco here is wausau,, they might have some..

Brent, are you sure that isn't the same picture from earlier this year ??

I just transferred a bunch of eggs into the hatcher.. I have 3 guineas already out and running around..

I thought there was a stinky egg in that bator, but I couldn't find it.. I did find a cracked egg, but it did not stink,, (anymore ?) maybe ..

Well I put 2 130v bulbs in there and so far so good. I'm hoping the heat they will generate will make up the few degrees I'm missing. I'll look online for some but for now I'll use them unless they blow. They are rough surface 60w incandescent frosted bulbs.
nope there was snow on the ground the first round.....

Raining steady here now.....dang, thought the gardens would be ready for working.

Picked up a new drill driver and drill from the neighbor...Makita 18v lithium....he actually took my old 12v in on trade with 2 dead batteries...gave me $50 for it....I only paid $100....1/2 chucks on both. Plus I got the flashlight for deer trails in the fall. He is a good neighbor....and I don't have to support the big box stores. Win Win, eh!

Good evening everyone.
Hope none of us here in the north got washed away cause we had (and still gonna have more) thunderstorms with some good downpour. Just as our yard started to show some grass again under the "lake"water... Guess the duckies will enjoy it a bit longer.

We moved our biggest youngens out of the house yesterday. They survived the first night just fine, just not sure how they will like all the thundering and lightning today. Plus, after the big ones vacated the new duck condo I was finally able to move them in there after a nice morning swim. When I left they were trying to pick down the door tho. Lol

Have PM'ed TerriO this morning and hoping for an answer back sometime soon. Checked the local CL's again and only a single male Emden out by Antigo. Too far, too expensive. So I guess I will wait a bit longer and see what happens.

Weather is really messing with my head today and causing one migraine after the other. Meanwhile feel like a drugged zombie but already feel the next major one coming on. Gosh I hope this ends soon! Can't even look straight they my window glasses (that's how my niece calls my glasses, lol).

So I'm hoping everyone has an at least somewhat decent evening and shall retire back into my dark cave again until further notice...
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There's a guy here in Amery that has a bunch of geese. I would think that gee would have goslings soon. I can ask if you want. I know he has buffs and maybe embdens and toulouse. My friend also has cotton patch. I can see if they're producing yet.

Went to the dentist today. My crown was "leaking" so he had to go between the teeth, under the crown, drill it out and fill. Its pretty painful. I also think my nitrous was a little high. I've never felt that messed up (at the dentist, lol). Like I was going to pass right out. It took me a long time to come back down.
There's a guy here in Amery that has a bunch of geese. I would think that gee would have goslings soon. I can ask if you want. I know he has buffs and maybe embdens and toulouse. My friend also has cotton patch. I can see if they're producing yet.

Went to the dentist today. My crown was "leaking" so he had to go between the teeth, under the crown, drill it out and fill. Its pretty painful. I also think my nitrous was a little high. I've never felt that messed up (at the dentist, lol). Like I was going to pass right out. It took me a long time to come back down.

Thanks BBP, would really appreciate it if you could ask your neighbor for me! Any if those would work for me, even if he has a couple of yearlings. My SO was SOOO close to grab some special order goslings at L&M this weekend. Lol. He just can't stop anymore. I think if they would have had any more ducklings we would have brought another home too. Silly man! But gotta love him for it!

And hope the pain ends soon. I know why I never look forward to dentist visits :(

Will post pics of the slowly growing duck condos soon too once we can continue after this downpour...
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