Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I have a question. Since I am new to raising poultry, I would like to know what are you opinions on informational websites that I can go to. I know the basic websites that bing and google find, but any favorite's? I'm raising chickens (buff bantys) and rouen/pekin mix ducks.
I sure feel stupid,, I transferred some chicken eggs today, I thought the date on them had gone by,,and I was feeling bad that none of them even pipped.. then a little while ago, I looked at the date on my puter screen,, I was 2 days off,, tomorrow is the date for those eggs.. DUH ..

I have 9 duck eggs to set tonight for Jordan ..

Annie bought me a dry wipe board today.. maybe now I can keep better records of what is set where..

Marlene called today too.. she gave up completely on the bator I put the fan in for her.. and the factory set one is holding too high of a temp.. Not dangerously high, just too high for comfort..
Of course she did not take heed to my instructions and has the plugs in.. and she refuses to use duct tape on the other one,
so I give up

Jessi., most of your questions can be answered right here.. sometimes we even give the correct answers ..
If you get some info from somewhere else, run it by the people here.. there is a lot of incorrect information "out there" .. on byc included.. a lot of the people "out there" have not been in the chicken business for very long and often they repeat bad information that they were told..

yesterday nobody was on here because they were enjoying the nice weather .. so where is everybody today ? enjoying the rain ?
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stacy, maybe you can find an oven light from an electric stove.. I believe some of them are 230V..
might have a smaller base than what you need,, but if you can find an old stove, maybe you can rob the light and the socket ??

try a local appliance repair shop maybe ?
Just checked the bator and she's at 100deg. Looks like the bulbs did the trick, surprised it didn't blow them like the man at Menards said it would. Now to keep watch all day to see if it holds the temps and will fill it up. Thanks for all your help and suggestions Jim!
Any of you watching the Wausau news, that hunting cabin that burned down was my oldest DD's boyfriends place, and he was the one at the cabin when it burned. Cabin is a total loss, boyfriend escaped with a few minor injuries but will be ok.

Be careful with fire kiddos, safety first.
I read as much as I could..I have been pretty busy with all the rain and trying to finish the brick coop. The roof is finally on.
I am done hatching until the 25th and than one hatch on the 6th. I will set one more batch of Silver laced and I am taking a break.

I have a batch of Ameracuana eggs a few OE' and EE's (18 so far all together)
I have a batch of German and English Orpington eggs (8)
Gold laced..........Blue, Black, and Splash and Black
$30.00 shipped

If anyone is looking to hatch.

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