Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Cute twins momgille!
jim, I am so glad the pup is back.
angiebubs, I leave outlr broodies alone. And about the time lock down comes, I give them their own quarters. I do this because I no longer water inside of the coop. And when they first come out, the ponds are available. And the babies drown in there. I do have an outdoor water dish with acv. But the adults often times use the ponds.
Welcome Lena! What all do you have?
good luck on the interview miss :)
clark, I saw those pics awhile back of the blrw. Nice and dark! Has the hen shown any signs of improvement?
Thanks cuties! I have:

5 Black australorps
4 Buff orps
8 Ameraucanas
5 RIRs
^^all chicks

1 Chinese goose
2 Mallards
3 Pekins
1 Rouen
1 Muscovy
1 Leghorn
1 Black Australorp
Chocolate lab, golden retriever and a cat

It didn't seem like that much until I wrote it all down
Cute twins momgille!
jim, I am so glad the pup is back.
angiebubs, I leave outlr broodies alone. And about the time lock down comes, I give them their own quarters. I do this because I no longer water inside of the coop. And when they first come out, the ponds are available. And the babies drown in there. I do have an outdoor water dish with acv. But the adults often times use the ponds.
Welcome Lena! What all do you have?
good luck on the interview miss

clark, I saw those pics awhile back of the blrw. Nice and dark! Has the hen shown any signs of improvement?
She's not as lethargic as she was and is moving a little, still not out of the water. I'm feeding her medicated crumbles for the chicks atm and Blue Ribbon Chicken Electrolytes in her water. I'm hoping for the best, everyone told me to just cull her a week ago but she still shows signs of wanting to live. I don't know what happened with her and none of my other chickens have any health problems at all. The only thing I can think of is she got knocked around by the 2 roos as for some reason they seem to really scrap over her. I can't remember what you had her named but she's the one with reg beak. Her feet are still curled and she's moving but not upright walking yet. She's more alert this am which gives me hope she'll recover.
Bleh...... I hate these marathon interviews. Three and a half hours and interviewed by 5 different people, you would think this is for the CEO...

So now we wait and see.

I am with you Jim, I need a nap. First thought I need to do the daily job search.

CS, I hope your eye is ok.

That is exactly how our company operates for some nearly entry level positions. I enjoy the pay but moral here sucks. Good Luck! Be forewarned this company's executive staff is no doubt way too hands on and reluctant in making quick decisions... you may end up very frustrated. However for a good salary you can hopefully come home and leave work behind ya! When I hear reasons they turn some people down it blows my mind that they are in charge of hiring their own people... Good fit means... will cow-tow to my whims... Wow I better get back to work Later!
Ang, do you have the food & water close to her nest? When I have a broody on eggs, I put her in an area by herself and put the food & water right in front of her so she can reach it without getting off the nest. It works for me.

CC: I have a brooder area that is aprox 4 x4 x4 all enclosed. I have the 4 nestboxes with the 4 broodys in this area with a waterer and food. With the nestboxes, Im not sure there is a way to put food within reach of the boxes? However, I do put FF (which has a lot of water in it) on the lil step thing of the nestboxes twice a day. Two of them eat this-the others don't. I am also hoping have 4 broody hens with chicks hatching at the same time in such tight quarters, wont cause problems :-S

Free 1 year old Hens - $1 (Dousman)

Free 1 year old laying hens! Must go to a good home! Some have missing feathers from Rooster but feathers WILL grow back! Silver Laced Wyandottes, Barrad Rock, Road Island Red, Anaconda. About 15 Birds in total. Would be great to find someone who would take them as a group! Location Dousman. The only reason I am getting rid of them is because they are eating my perennials and I feel bad keeping them cooped up.
and to the cheesehead thread, Lena! We hope you like it here.

Good luck with the hen, Staci. My hen recovered somewhat but her toes still curl, which makes it challenging to walk. But she does get around,, She eats, drinks and lays an egg almost every day, and she doesn't seem to be in pain. So we gave her some private accommodations & let her do her thing. She can jump/fly up 3 feet to get back into her coop too.

Ang, it is hard to say if the broodies will tolerate each other in such close quarters once their chicks hatch. I would think of a back up plan just in case if I were you.
Free 1 year old Hens - $1 (Dousman)

Free 1 year old laying hens! Must go to a good home! Some have missing feathers from Rooster but feathers WILL grow back! Silver Laced Wyandottes, Barrad Rock, Road Island Red, Anaconda. About 15 Birds in total. Would be great to find someone who would take them as a group! Location Dousman. The only reason I am getting rid of them is because they are eating my perennials and I feel bad keeping them cooped up.
I think she better worry about more than perrenials being eaten if she's got Anacondas in her yard. LMAO

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