Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Do not just slap her on a medication. She might be dyslexic, ADD, etc.... The best way to find out is to have a professional evaluation done by a psychologist. The medications used for ADHD/ADD are one part of a system to assist in focusing on activities one does not want to do: it is not a cure and if a child does not learn organization and focus while on the med they will have a very difficult time off the med.

Good luck, I am happy my child with learning quirks has graduated.....
Yvette, ask the school for an IEP on her, if she tests low enough they are required to provide her with special education practices to work with her to get her to the level she needs to be at. My oldest son and first daughter had them, not completely special ed, but they got certain hours to work with one on one to get the extra help they needed.
She has been in special classes since kindergarten. Unfortunately, they were pulling her out of her cursive class to work on extra reading. So now she won't know how to do that. I know a lot of schools aren't even teaching that anymore, but I think it's important. I worry because she was born a week late but still was only 6lbs 7oz. (My son was 8lbs 16oz) The midwife also sent the placenta off for testing because it was very small and pale. But she said the results came back normal. Even though she seemed skeptical of those results. Maybe something just isn't right there, like lack of oxygen while in the womb, or nutrients maybe? It did eat a lot of nitrates/nitrites when I was pregnant. Maybe that had an effect?
She has been in special classes since kindergarten. Unfortunately, they were pulling her out of her cursive class to work on extra reading. So now she won't know how to do that. I know a lot of schools aren't even teaching that anymore, but I think it's important. I worry because she was born a week late but still was only 6lbs 7oz. (My son was 8lbs 16oz) The midwife also sent the placenta off for testing because it was very small and pale. But she said the results came back normal. Even though she seemed skeptical of those results. Maybe something just isn't right there, like lack of oxygen while in the womb, or nutrients maybe? It did eat a lot of nitrates/nitrites when I was pregnant. Maybe that had an effect?
I honestly thing you are overthinking this. It sounds more like the school is to blame for not following thru with her education. Since your home now not working are you able to try and do some extra schooling with her? Maybe find a family that home schools that could help or do it yourself? I'm homeschooling my boys now, although I should of done it alot sooner as their are already in high school and I waited to long to wake up to the fact that our schools our failing our kids. Here in Bruce, either you get it or you don't. That no child left behind crap is exactly that here. Tyler, he's 15, 16 in Feb is a smart kid but couldn't spell even basic words is now doing much better since he's been home schooled and I'm working with him hands on. I do all the work he does, all math is done on a dry erase board. We do all of the problems together, no calculators. The internet use is only minimally used for homework. Our curriculum is all free online, he's not allowed to use it without me. I don't want him being a robot like the school is making our kids. I still believe in libraries and not searching google for your answers. I have a encyclopedia set that my grandma bought for me the year I was born here and my kids still use it when they want to research. They want our kids lazy and dependent on the internet as it will solve all of our problems and give us all of our answers. I'm sorry I can trail on for days complaining about how our schools have become mechanical with this technical world we now live in but I get really heated. Hey I use it, but I know how to not use it also.
Not chicken related at all, but everytime I go to parent teacher conferences I come home feeling terrible. My daughter is not doing well in school. She is in third grade and tested at a first grade level for reading. Like beginning of the year first grade. Like just finished kindergarten! She also can't round numbers. I show her how, she does it repeatedly and then just suddenly can't do it! Like she has no idea what she's been doing for the last half hour. I'm really against putting kids on medication, but I think she needs it. I wanted to hold her back in kindergarten and I should have, but apparently she'd still be behind her classmates if I had done that. It's so frustrating. Her brother is one of the smartest kids in his class. He tests a full 2 grades ahead in math and above grade level in reading. I just don't know what to do for her. I don't think the school believes that I've been trying to help her at home.

She has been in special classes since kindergarten. Unfortunately, they were pulling her out of her cursive class to work on extra reading. So now she won't know how to do that. I know a lot of schools aren't even teaching that anymore, but I think it's important. I worry because she was born a week late but still was only 6lbs 7oz. (My son was 8lbs 16oz) The midwife also sent the placenta off for testing because it was very small and pale. But she said the results came back normal. Even though she seemed skeptical of those results. Maybe something just isn't right there, like lack of oxygen while in the womb, or nutrients maybe? It did eat a lot of nitrates/nitrites when I was pregnant. Maybe that had an effect?

I also think that you are being hard on yourself and trying to find blame. This is not your fault or hers. I agree with the IEP testing. As they age, test can be done for a more specialized set of learning disabilities. Also she might have an emotional/socio fear, so a pyschological testing might be helpful. I know if it was me, I wouldn't want to subject her unnecessarily to testing. Also keep in mind that the schools are paid by the state for any additional attention given to a child (iep). Plus it makes their lives easier if medicine works. However we tried that route for our son after hearing his teachers complaining for years and the end results weren't good. The doctors don't tell you that those meds have irreversible effects like spasms, twitching, etc. We were lucky that he has mostly outgrown the twitching but more importantly he has grown out of all behaviors that the schools were complaining about.
My thoughts are definitely with you as I know this is a very challenging issue. Just know that every kid is the way they need to be in order to accomplish what they are here to be and do!
Well everyone it's official!!! The city of Stoughton WI is having its 1st annual Poultry swap in July of 2015!!! It took me a while but I did it!!! I'm so excited!
Woo hoo!!!
Hopefully I can make it!!
Thanks, I thought that they were pretty cool looking.
I have 3 orp roos that have similar coloring, but have regular combs and are huge. I am looking to rehome them if you are interested. They are gentle giants. Very well behaved & good looking but I just have too many boys this year. I have 3 lav roos too that need to go.

Terri, I am so sorry to hear about your tortoise.

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