Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Ahh, I can do just fine with small towns. I think middle of nowhere scares the living daylights out of me though. Moving halfway across the country is *terrifying*. I'm so accustomed to having access to big city amenities :/ being able to go to a concert without booking a hotel and an overnight babysitter comes to mind! running to the store at 10pm for an emergency need.. maybe its because of poor planning (hey, the ADHD is fierce) or maybe its because someone has an earache and I need to get some random herbal remedy and need a store that carries that! OH! Special needs kids! My son has autism. High functioning, but behaviors are severe enough that therapies multiple times a week are needed. big city = options, typically good quality practitioners as well. And naturopaths too! (I live like 5 min from a naturopathic college. there might be more NDs than MDs around these parts!) Being in the middle of nowhere.. I just can't help but think I'd be isolated from everything we need and are used to having easy access to.

Outta curiosity though, BlackBrookPoultry, sqft on the house? # of bedrooms? and does "on the river" mean through the property? my kids are little so having water on the property scares me about drowning!
there are lots of places not in town that have acreage but still close to town..
I would imagine that your job/jobs might have some bearing on where to live..
I didn't know we had Costco's in Wisc.
two acres is not a lot of land to have lots of animals on. maybe a couple of goats and some birds, but if horses are in the picture, that does not leave much for pasture.
looks to me like you and DH have some compromising to do.
I don't know of any place in Wisc that doesn't have busy roads..
When we moved here in the late 1960"s our kids could cross the road to play with the neighbor kids. no problem. but today I wouldn't allow that to happen if my kids were little again..

I would be looking for a dead end road if I were you..
Nah, looks pretty darn cheap from where I'm standing. I see plenty of houses for sale, within Madison limits, for well under half a million. Good sized houses with yards. (Though not necessarily acreage) That's unfathomable here. Houses in my neighborhood are selling, in a matter of days, for over 700k! Freaking ridiculous. We're renting...
Madison would be your best bet for your son, send me a pm I can hook you up with another member who has a son with autism as well. She lives in the Sauk City area.

I am in Lake Geneva out of town on 5 acres. Love it! Something around the area of 94 between Madison and Milwaukee would put you in the best spot. Plenty of people and medical facilities within reach.
Appleton just passed their chicken ordinance with a ton of stipulations attached to it. Oshkosh allows chickens but you need permission from every neighbor who has property adjoining yours. I thing Green Bay allows chickens, not sure about Fond du Lac.

Wherever you plan on moving to, scour the ordinances for the township, county, or village to make sure that you will be able to have what you want.

I know some of the counties have acreage restrictions for chickens, just don’t remember which ones...... TO would be a big help here.

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