Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

big improvement over the JD .. an enclosed cab. I assume a heater, too..
this snow came just in time for testing it out.
a sandwich and a can o' beer and you can ride the storm out in that rig.

He went out to use it yesterday, and came back with the manual saying "I guess I don't know how to use that thing." Hopefully he's got it figured out. There's a lot of snow this morning.

LOL, when in doubt, get the manual out.

I rented a big Bobcat once to backfill a foundation. I had a lawnmower that had foot pedals for forward and backup. the Bobcat had foot pedals to tilt the bucket up and down. I almost fell into the hole several times before I got my mind wrapped around it..
My turkey has been laying in my old pig house and one of her chicken friends lays her egg in the same nest everyday. The first night the eggs disappeared. So, I started barricading the door at night. I brought the turkey eggs inside last night so they wouldn't freeze. The turkey was pecking at the patio door this morning so I went out to move the plywood I have against the door. That fox had just been there and he squeezed between the board and the doorway. I could smell him and his tracks were fresh. Either he didn't want chicken eggs or he heard me coming and ran off. I guess I'm just realizing now that I only saw a set of tracks leading to the shed and none away. Ill have to go look again. And I guess I may have a new spot to set the snare trap.
did you have to resort back to the JD to plow?
or did DH figure out the new snow thrower ?
and do you still have your pet fox in the barn?
after I plowed yesterday,
we got another 1 1/2" on the car this morning.

went to town this morning. roads are still snow covered.. I think our township is out of salt..

What are the snow totals for the weekend out there? We only have about 6 inches here.

as of the 6 o'clock news, we had 20.2"
in Wausau, add another inch or so for what came during the night and it is easily 21"..
I am not going to plow the driveway any more, but I do have to clean up where we park the cars and turn around.
We probably got over 2 feet, I think it was 23.7" official in Green Bay. Hard to tell with all the drifting. 4' snow drift over the road when we got the driveway clear to that point last night. Took us 5 hours to clear enough to get out - too many buildings creating too big of drifts all over the place. County came through with a big Loader and cleared our road about 10:00 this morning.

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