Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Congrats to the babies! I can't wait for mine! With the polish, I also wanted to add this: My DH's mom had polish and they use to get lost in tall grass. He said the were the dumbest chicken ever. Now I don't know if that was just her's or if they are all like that. She also lost about 20 chickens to the rain one time, so I'm thinking it was just her chickens. LOL Susie-Why don't you just drive down to the swap on Sat and buy a couple. The one I got last year and the four my MIL got are beautiful.
Cleaning the coop today. Scrubbing everything and dusting everyone. Also dewormed them. Figured I don't know why Bruno died, but I'm not taking any chances with the others. I want to follow wazine up with ivermectin in a couple weeks. Does anyone know how to break down the doseage for 20 chickens? Also what do you quail people use for them? Ok off to do chores, have a great day everyone!
BC where is the swap this sat. ? Is it the Fondy swap? I'm sure it's in here somewhere

Congrats for 4 years on BYC BigZ we are so lucky to have your knowledge

WCC the house and out buildings look great, very exciting for you
Nice day today, everybody must be outside.. I was for awhile, too.. I spread some hay under the duck pen for the geese to make some nests.. They were hanging around under there anyhow.. they dove right into it, along with all the turkeys and quite a few chickens.. I gave some to the ducks too..

I set 1 turkey egg, 1 duck egg and ony 3 chicken eggs today.. that is all the eggs we collected for the bator this week..

the new barred rocks I bought quit laying when they got here.. It probably was the shock of going from a heated coop to a semi-heated coop.. they will come around eventually..

I candled a few brown eggs.. not too easy,but they looked like something was developing.. we wil know for sure next weekend..

I have been dating my eggs on their due dates.. I am going to quit that and start putting the "lock down" date.. I don't like that term, but don't know what else to call it..

I am going to start counting all the "HELP" messages on the incubating threads.. LOL I am refraning from reponding to very many anymore.. a lot of them ask a question and then never acknowledge or probably even go back to the thread to read any of the responses.. I think that is extremely rude.. what usually happens is the responders get into an argument.. LOL

I usually only respond if there are zero reponses..
Sunday Evening Everyone. Thanks for the congrats and kind words Suzie....now if my Suzie only new how smart you are, I'd have it made....
If you go to the fondy swap, make sure you get there early. It doesn't take long for the serious buyers to buy the best available.

Yep, you're right Jim about being outside today. I worked on pruning another apple tree today, and finished most of it. This specific tree is a real sucker grower for whatever reason. Plenty of snow out there yet for sure.

My birds were all outside today in the adjacent pens to the coops. I know they are ready for spring too!

Roasted java chicken for supper tonight....smells good and I'm hungry from the fresh air.

Be Safe.... ~ bigzio

a friend just gave me a wheaten ameracana, about 3 weeks old with a severe cross bill. is there a way to slowly ease it back into a somewhat normal postion while it is still developing so quickly?

thanks in advance for your help

Welcome Aves....I have never had that problem but I bet if you keep it trimmed it would go back to normal? Maybe someone else will be able to answer that has better knowledge tomorrow.
Good evening to everyone! I had to work tonight and just finished working on my "model coop" for the contest. I hope I win!!! I will post pics tomorrow when it is all dry. I sure wish I had the same coop life-sized! So eating my dinner and then going out to lock up and then to bed! Sweet dreams everyone!
Terri O
our first chick..

we got a chick to actually hatch!! it's our first one.. i'd show you guys a pic, but I'm not sure how to post picutes on here.. how do you do it?

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