Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

to unstick a chick, hey , that rhymes..

put some very warm water in a small bowl, I use a regular soup bowl, not the wide flat kind.

dip the shole egg into the water and with your fingers, wet the sticky stuff.. You can dunk the sticky stuf into the water , too.. just be careful to not give the chick a "drink".. they do not really need a drink at this point..

remove only the sticky membrane when it comes off easily.. do not peel shell..

I can do 3 like this in less than 5 minutes.. 1 out of 3 will die..

never take the chick out of the shell.. there is still unused yolk attached to his butt.. the more they work the stronger they will be after complete hathing..
LOL--the one thing I see to comment on...
dip the whole egg into the water and with your fingers, wet the sticky stuff.. You can dunk the sticky stuff into the water , too.. just be careful to not give the chick a "drink".. they do not really need a drink at this point..

Nope...YOU take the drink! Gotta let the dog out...again!

I got a sniff of warming dirt outside....pretty soon time to get the spinach and chard in! Well, I am with you Jim...off for a little bit and now I cant remember what I was going to comment on. Oh yeah, that ; being on a regular key? I think it's because if you are typing a paper you tend to just type away...no question marks in there; however, the ; is used quite often! That is my scientific statement. (and if I say it enough it becomes miraculously true!)
COWS! The only animal that I dont have. I like them--at someone else's place! Too much wet and sloppy manure for me. (but they do taste good)
Made my CB&C last night and it was awesome! I make mine like traditional New England Boiled Dinner in the "Joy of Cooking" book. Now with the leftovers I will make Red Flannel Hash! MMMMM! Likes your statement about world hunger Jim...same thing here. I cook to fill the pot--and this was a really BIG pot! We only had 4 here for dinner but did a good job on it anyhow.
Looking forward to the swap tomorrow...gotta get in bed early tonight though...been getting up LATE since the time change! Hey Jim and Cind...you guys must have something going posting in the wee hours of the morning! What in the world are you doing up at that time??? Cool that you will get to go to a swap near you Cind. I have not been to that one...might be the one that has puppies a lot though.
Good luck to everybody cleaning out coops! I can tell mine needs it too...the ammonia smell is building up near the floor. I was kneeling in there yesterday and it was pretty bad...the floor is nice and warm though!
Sure wish I could get that wheelie barrow in the door...way poor planning on my part!
Have a fantastic day...taking the dogs for Rabies shots and then to the dog park! Terri O

ETA: "Lockdown" tonight for me!​
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the pip is a zip.. No other ones yet.. Not worried yet..

I figured out a little trick; quite by accident; with this hatch actually.. See TO; i am using this ; ... I read a lot about people concerned about hatching chicks playing fuss ball with the unhatched eggs; just tilt the hatching tray slightly to one side and all the eggs will stay tight to that side and no way can the hatched chicks roll the eggs uphill..

and tip #2; when filling your wheel barrow at the door of the coop; Like TO and I are doing.. lean the front of the wheelbarrow tight against the door jamb with just enough space at the handle end to let yourself out of the coop.. that way you can scrape the sn!t off the fork without tipping the wheelbarrow over..

I got 19 chicks moved out to the brooder cage this morning.. it is holding 90F just outside the light halo; directly under the light it is 110F.. I closed off all the wire with cardboard panels..
and a nice layer of hay on the bottom...
Just had to get in on the 666 post!
raimnel I ended up using a wet cloth and squeezed a little water in around the shell. After about 24 hours I actually took the egg in hand and carefully cracked it a little. Think my humidity might not have been high enough. Don't have a hygrometer. Yet. Good luck! The result of my TLC was Btwo. Got the last of the cut and split wood in, still pretty wet but have enough dry to mix it in. There was more out there than I thought which was a good thing. By the time I burn it up I'll be able to get out a cut some dry tops to get us through. Started to shovel out the coop and got run out by one of the SWL's. I was told in no uncertain terms that I was not allowed in there at egg laying time. WOW did she ever tell me! The only thing left to clean out are the nest boxes. Think I would of had my a$$ handed to me if I had gotten any closer. Gratefully the wheelbarrow fits thought the coop door but today except for the last load it went on the trailer. The sun is shinin, the wind is blowin and the driveway is bubblin. That's a good thing! Really felt good to be outside! First load of wash is on the line too looking forward to climbing between the sheets tonight. Wait that's every night. Jim and BCC when I bought my barrow I bought a 2 wheeler, can convert a single wheeled pretty easily, makes a world of difference on the back. Think Annie has your number.
TO good idea on the liquid courage! It's so hard to do an assist, you want to help but don't want to go too far.
Hi all! I'm not in Wisconsin.... YET. With any luck we'll be making our move to the Janesville area in June. We found a nice little place (wanted LOTS of space, but came to my senses and realized at my age it won't be long before LOTS of space is MORE than I could manage!) on the edge of town on 1.17 acres and have a conditional offer in on it. Since we're house hunting from Florida we submitted an offer, which was accepted, to purchase the house pending us seeing it by the 26th of this month and finding it acceptable and it passing a home inspection.

I'm trying not to count my chickens before I actually have them, but it's tough. We do have a back up list of homes to view in the area just in case this one is now as good as it sounds/looks, so...

Anyway... decided to show the universe I will accept nothing less than compliance with our proposed move and drop in to meet some of my new neighbors!

Big rassa-frassa-fricka-fricka yesterday. My 19 (of 24) nicely developing shipped Lavender Ameraucana eggs got temp spiked.
The incubator had been rock solid up until now, they are due to go to lockdown tomorrow, temps 100 in the am, 106! when I went to check them in the afternoon. The room they are in, a bathroom in the center of the house, never varies in temp, so why a giant heat spike? I realize that about now they eggs go exothermic, but 106?!? Sigh. They've now back to 100, but I just have a horrible feeling that the lot is sunk. We'll see if anything hatches, but I'm so bummed. Was so looking forward to a nice successful hatch and things had been going so textbook until that moment.

Heading off to look at alternative incubators.

On a happy note, 3 dogs and one Thomas bathed, groomed/hair cut, and happy. One Tyler looking for tidbits on the floor (the kid is a hoover, honest to pete).

Looking forward to the chicken swap tomorrow, take my mind off my worries.
Fear not Hurley! they'll make it. or least most of them. lol

stuck chickie is making it's way out. I added a little bit of water to the egg (avoiding the chicks nose) and moved the egg slightly, it's bottom shell was tight against more eggs and it couldn't push the bottom shell off.
IDK how many we're up to now lol. DH is counting............ 7 in brooder, and 13 hatched but still in 'bators, a couple zips and ALOT of pips

This is my birthday page so I gotta get on here!!!! I wanted to go to He// MI for the big party on 06/06/2006 but of course never made it. Someday I'll get a t-shirt from there.

Jules has left the building!!!!
She looks a little funky with the bald spots and askew feathers on the top of her head, but she is happy to be back out with the group!

Everyone have fun tomorrow at the swap; my BIL had made an unannounced trip to the GP's so of course we are obligated to go over there tonight....... and of course the girls are better....

Well, I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful day!!!!

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