Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

ahhh MAN.. I missed posting on 666
Well went to a big auction today (landscape and farm equipment) it started at 10 am, and I just got home about an hour ago.
the "chicken coop on wheels", a chop box that was turned into one... went for WWWWAAAAYYYYY more than I could afford.
I did get a solid bottom and steel square bale feeder, it is 8 feet long the sides are 3.4 to 4 ft high, by about 4 feet wide.
We are going to enclose the sides, and put a roof on it, a long low slant...
Poof instant summer coop for the chookies!!
I will get pics when I pick it up tomorrow.

My barnevelder was the sick one, she was very old, and it was a suddenly onset. I never got an egg from her, but she was a unique hen!
She passed away in her sleep.

SOOOOO> .. UM...
what have Call ducks gone for at swaps in WI??
Do I even have a chance for one?

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what kind of bator are you using ? I don't think you have to worry about a temp spike this late in the game.. earlier on you would have cooked the albumen, but now maybe you still have a chance..

my zip has hatched,, still no new pips.. they are not due until tonight so it is still looking good..
It's a styrofoam incubator, which has quite honestly done very well on the previous hatches, jumps up a couple degrees towards the end if there are bunch of eggs in there, but otherwise has been nice and stable since I keep it in a stable temp room. Don't know what got into it yesterday to pop up to 106, but the temps are corrected and I'm really hoping to still have a good hatch. Time will tell. Thanks for the encouragement. At least at this stage of the game they're putting on size rather than differentiating organs.

Will let ya'll know.

Got some cute photos of the last pup I have from my January litter. He's 10 weeks old this weekend, growing so fast. Enjoy...





Oh my goodness! Someone has a standard frizzle rooster for sale on the Minneapolis Craigslist. He is the funniest thing I've ever seen. If I wasn't overrun with roosters already I would buy him just so I could giggle every morning when I let my chickens out.
Hurley that is such a cute pic of the boy and the pup! They are both leaning the same way...I bet you couldnt get them to do that again if you tried! I am trying another candling session again tonight after dinner--trying a method I read about using a TP tube.
I really need to get into bed early tonight so I am ready for my "guests" tomorrow at 6!!!
I had a guy come today for a goat AND 6 dozen chicken eggs and a doz duck eggs! Yay...my fridge is almost empty!
OK--gotta make the veggie and eat...then we can candle and lock those babies down! Terri O

ETA: Whooo--I got post #6666!
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oh boy...I better get to bed! LOL--here is what I found this afternoon:

See the stripes on the green egg on the left? They are REALLY there...not just a trick of the camera! This is my first call duck egg. BL4--did she always lay striped eggs? It is so cool. The other one is almost the same color; a little bluer maybe. It is the first colored egg this year! I was fearing that I lost that hen. I still dont know which one she is!
Good night...waiting to candle until tomorrow I guess....Terri O
Cute Pup!
Dkv... welcome!
Cool eggs TO! Now if you can get it add color to that stripe your all set!

Wcc... sorry about your hen,,,

Hope the hatchings go well in spite of the troubles!
Glad to see Jules is up to rejoining the others!

Well, I guess it was "spa day" for the girls! Many dirt baths. Some tanning, primping and a few even had a mud bath!

Dr. Ha...I know what you mean about getting kicked out of the coop during "laying time"
I was getting told in no uncertain terms I was to wait 'till they were done! Seemed to take forever, every time one would leave another would come in!

I sure wish the new ladies would lay .... I'm getting impatient! LOL
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Ugh...way too early to be up on a Sunday. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaawn...stretch...*crick*.

Ok, ok, feed the dogs, feed the chickens so it'll be there when they raise their fluffy bums, head off for a chicken day.

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