Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I have a question for my all knowing BYC friends. We would like to relocate a few smaller trees and would like to rent a small tree spade (not big machine operated one) DH saw a used one on Craigs list for something like $1600.00 NO WAY !
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Susie
Susie"J" :

I have a question for my all knowing BYC friends. We would like to relocate a few smaller trees and would like to rent a small tree spade (not big machine operated one) DH saw a used one on Craigs list for something like $1600.00 NO WAY !
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Susie

Have you check with any landscape places to see what they might charge you or maybe with a rental center?​
Good idea H&R; Susie call around to see how much. Sounds like their bigger than saplings. BCC doesn't sound like your having a very good day. Hope it gets better along with the kidlets! Raiquee sounds like your burning it at both ends. bl4 thanks the reminder of Amyables B'day too. Happy B'day Amy!!!! dkv guess you won't have too much shock moving here. Agree on the Fl heat. Too much for me. Hope you'll be able to join us at the Bash! Lots of great people! And food! I was bored and not feeling like working around here for some reason so I went on the things city slickers say thread. Jim Jim you were just so mean to that hitchhiker gal!
I almost posted to her too but retrained myself. Think there's other issues with her. That thread is always good for a chuckle. Gonna sit in front of the other tube and veg for awhile. Quit raining here. Bet the swap goers got wet and cold. Been there done that.
Hey all! Yup--we got BOTH wet and cold! It was poring for quite a while at the swap and it wasnt as big as it was last year in the freezing cold. Met up with ODrH and WiChCh at my place and headed North in one car. Left the umbrella IN the car...got a little wet before it started for real! We met up with Jim and a couple other Wisconsinites (on here but not on this thread--they will join us) WiChCh did most of the buing and then even resold 2 of her hens she got! I got some nice chicks from Jim to "fix" the color in my egg basket...they are driving my dogs mad right now...

Had to move the little one to the back room cause my DH was driving me crazy yelling at her.

So yes, we had a good time even though we got pretty damp! I delivered the chick from H&R to ODrH safe and sound..."Whew!" I was so worried that it might have something happen to it! ODrH "donated" Some chicks to my breeding project too...I now have some "Official Bantams." They are so adorable they might end up being house chickens! I didnt find the Black Trenton pigeons I wanted...guess I will have the guy ship them to me later in the spring. Speaking of pigeons...my squeakers have their eyes open today! They are so ugly that they are cute....I guess.
Well--have a great afternoon...I hope your dam is holding up in the driveway!
Terri O (stay dry)
Excuse any typos in this post...fingers too cold and stiff to function at proper speeds and precision.

Cold and wet...did I mention cold? LOL, but had a good time. Got to talk chickens (and horses and ducks and turkeys and guineas) and had fun perusing the variety of fowl at the swap. Great to meet Jim and Terri and Carol and others.

In the end, came home with only my wheaten Ameraucana pullet from H&R (she's beautiful, btw, love the pattern on her wings) who is currently peeping her displeasure of being the only house chicken at the moment. After some isolation time she'll join the others her age in the grower pen (the others just got moved outside to the grower shed).

Pulled the 5 bad eggs from the incubator (one "stinker" and 4 non-stinkers) and discarded to avoid any unexpected explosive type behaviors from that egg. Moved the eggs out of the turner tonight, will turn them in the am, then quit. Hope to see some pipsters in a few days.
Eggs are too dark to see if there is any movement or anything, but the air cells look nice sized and the rest of the egg is dark for the remaining eggs.

Man, think I need to build a fire in the fireplace. Something about cold, damp weather that eeks into the bones.
I have a question for my all knowing BYC friends. We would like to relocate a few smaller trees and would like to rent a small tree spade (not big machine operated one) DH saw a used one on Craigs list for something like $1600.00 NO WAY ! barnie Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Susie smile

If they are small enough, and you have some time and a LOT of energy, you can do what is called a root prune as soon as you can dig. Just go out from the tree (2-3 inch diameter) a foot to a foot and a half and cut straight down or at a slight angle as deep as a square spade shovel will go severing the roots. Let it go awhile and then do it again. You should then be able to actually ball and burlap the tree and relocate it. It's not as bad as it sounds. Grill some food, pick a nice day, and get some help.... I wouldn't try to do anything any bigger than a 3-4 inch tree, but we have done them that big, then transported them a great distance (Wausau to Peshtigo) and they have lived. It is definitely cheaper than a spade.....
But also more work. Just an idea from back in my day as a landscaper.... course we liked to do things the "Old Fashioned" way...
Well I had to stop and get lunch for DH, stop and move the box on the back seat around as the chickens decided to take up doing a Mosh pit in the box.
I decided to have everyone will be staying here tonight and I will move the ducks and chickens tomorrow. The chicks are in a 30 gallon breeder w/ food and water.
The ducks and chickens are in my newly cleaned (now not so much) "sick chicken" room at the house. I have 2 big dog dishes with water and 2 dishes with food for the chickens and ducks.
The call and mallard seemed joined at the hip already!!

SOOOO we got there early and apparently at this place they open for business as soon as people pull in, I think all the really GOOD stock was in people's cars, already bought or traded.
The Hmong and Eu Mien were out in force purchasing everything with feathers on it, vaguely chicken like for various reasons. Some sellers upped their prices to prevent their prized
birds being dinner.
I immediately found one call duck, bought him and then realized he only has one eye, the other has ruptured, some time ago according to OdHa/Hurley.
I then tried to find a hen, and after finding NONE
opted to try for an East Indian hen.. they were then all sold out... The rain got a bit worse, I then decided on a small white mallard hen, and she is wildish but nice.
We got in to the building, and it was rather sparsely filled, but there were a LOT =TONS>> LOT of pigeons. I went out and bought two Hyline hens, and apparently they were the hot buy of the swap.
As I ended up selling them a little while later, Jim -jvls1942, came in, we talked around a propane heater, drank hot cocoa.. I went out and braved the rain as it came in more to get a blue Andalusian.
Bought a pair of Frizzle bantam cochins in white, well bought the girl, got the boy for free. Sold the Hyline hens and bought a white cochin standard hen.
The rain got worse, more people came in, some moved indoors with their stock. The rest packed up and left...The parking lot was a wading pool..
Even outside there were TONS.. TONS of pigeons.. WOW never seen so many...
Although... um...why do people breed pigeons that look like sea gulls? I mean really??
Hurley gave me a lovely pair of silkies, a buff and a white.
We got the barn/farm tour of Terri-O's place, I LOVE IT!! and will be getting a silver maple sapling in a few months.

AND while talking to my barn owner Joan, who told me NOT to bring home a goose for her.. I was telling her of Terri's two goose hens who don't walk well..
NOW.. NOW she wants a hen.. SO .. Terry.. can you get me a female goose and pen her up for me?? I will be over this week with the snake...

So I came home with
2 silkies
1 blue Andalusian
1 cochin- white, We named her already -Kirstie Alley
1 Frizzle cochin Roo - Billy Idol
1 Frizzle cochin Hen- Lady Ga Ga (white "hair", teased/spiked look, and bald behind)
1 wild colored call drake- Horatio Nelson (Admiral Nelson)
1 white mallard hen- Emma

It was soo Nice to meet all of you. Terri I will call you tomorrow!!

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Glad you guys had fun at the swap. We went got there at 730. Didn't see anything I wanted. DD8 was cold and wet by the time we made it to building. It was much bigger last year, a lot more birds too. We left by 815 and went to fleet farm. Terri- I tried calling you. Did you get my message or do I have the wrong number? Either way let me know so I have the right one for Midwest and riding this year. The trails open mid april, we should all plan a ride soon. Ok I'm out. Later Becky
Hi everyone

I just bought my first coop. It is 5'5 feet 8'. I think I will use the chimney as a ventilation, I just need to cover the hole on the inside, Add vinyl flooring and paneling. I have a few questions. How high off the ground should I put it. I was thinking of using concrete blocks? I hope to have a 20' x 10' run on the side, How high should the fence be? Should I cover it with Bird netting to keep out the hawks or do I need to use hardware cloth?

I thought I would put the door between the windows. I put more pictures on my page

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