Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good morning, I have a few minutes before I have to go to the VA Clinic and have my annual blood test.. I didn't study, so I hope I will pass anyhow..

a couple of the turkey hens are getting that broody look.. I think I might as well let them have some eggs.. I have plenty in the bators already.. the clears are far outnumbering the hatchings.

Annie cooked one of the small turkeys last week.. It was sooo tender and delicious.. If we cannot sell these young ones this summer, we will butcher them young.. we do not need a 20 pound bird for a meal..

I sort of chewed out somebody on the incubation thread.. I kept it civil and polite, they ask for advice, we give it, they don't follow the advice and then they look for sympathy because they screwed up a chick's chance for a normal hatch.. I am furious at the people who tell them to go ahead and "help" them out of the shell.. these newby's do not have the experience to do that yet.. In the first place, they do not know when the chick needs help.. then they do not know what to watch for as they are "helping" it out.. sorry, I got a little carried away..
Good morning! Yeah the sun is out and that bad guy is dead! When my DD25 got home today and told me I said, "didnt they kill him once already?" I really thought that he was killed in some little hole somewhere...maybe that was a different bad guy? I cant keep world news/political opinions straight--very frustrating to my DH who thinks of nothing else than news and scores! I guess I have too many "right here-right now" problems on my mind! (you know, the stuff I can DO something about!

I sure am glad that it's not windy today...I am hoping to put the roof on my new coop. I got some end cap things to support and fill the gaps in the wavy edges of the tin I am using but I got the rounded type, I need the squared off type so I have to go back to Menard's and get the right one. Then I am moving the bigger birds OUT!
The little ones are getting too big for their smaller box in the room and I want to get them into the kiddie pool so they have more room.

DH's project fixing the brakes on our Super Duty turned into a 2 weekend project! $700 later :clapthe truck has new calipers, rotors and brakes all the way around. Oh yeah, and now the e-brake works too! It needed a new backing plate or something; and the ratchety thing that works it in the cab. I cant understand how an 8 year old truck needed that much work! It doesnt even get driven that much!
SO I need to get my van cleaned up inside. DH put it on Craig's List to show next weekend. I hear he traded his boat for another van and will fix a brake line on that and sell it too...then he wants to buy a smallish car to drive for work...*sigh*...I thought that was why he bought the truck?

Jim--I hope the BYC police dont come after you! I think we will have to block you from the incubation thread just to keep you "safe"!
I hear something up in my son's room....I wonder if he left a cat up there when he left yesterday? Guess I better go and check! BRB! Yup--he was up there and he is STARVING! I guess DH didnt count cats when he fed them again!

Well--I better get these dogs outside...they are driving me insane...then I have a date with the vacuum cleaner...I hpe you pass your test with flying colors Jim! Talk at you all later! Have a fantastic day! Terri O

(PS) DrH...just thing of the muscles you will develop carrying water!
Carol--congrats on getting all moved in! When you get settled, give me a call, I want to see the new place and help you
"dream" up stuff to do to it!
YAAAAYYYY!!!!! I've got one chick out (couldn't figure out why I woke up so early this morning, then I tune in to a little 'peep, peep, PEEP!'). Three more are pipped. I'm hoping to get movement on the others, soon, too! I've gotta start working on my video of how to set up a brooder for the Cream City Hens page, before they actually need to be in the brooder!

Congrats on the move, and good luck on everyone finishing their coops!
I will be in Madison on Wed. to bad I'll be in a bus and wont be able to visit anyone.
I'm going on a field trip with DS 10.

well off to get feed, I think I may have to take the van this time around I got alot to get and don't think my car will hold the weight.
last time I had 2 bags of feed in the trunk and my dad, who was following me later that day, said I was tilted to the back lol he said, If it would have been dark out that I would have been shinning the tree tops
BL4 so sorry about the loss of your friend, missed that when trying to get caught up.

Raiquee sorry you are having such a tough time. I would advise speaking with your doctor about your baby blues. It's not at all uncommon and there are short term meds that will work wonders (if you aren't nursing... if you are doc may have some suggestions as well).

David your coop and run looks wonderful... hoping mine will turn out 1/2 as good!
TerriO, glad your dog didnt sustain serious injury. Dog parks a great idea, and work great if people realize they still have to have control of their animals... sadly far to many don't.

Hurley, just hearing everything you accomplished in the yard made me tired!

DrH, both my husband and I thought the same thing about the burial at sea... something sure sounds fishy there...


WiC, glad you got moved, so nice when it's over! Can't wait to see pics.

To any new folks who dropped in while I was to distressed to notice...WELCOME!

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