Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi All!

DrH...If you didn't go to bed dirty, you wouldn't have a cat trying to clean you in your sleep! Or maybe you just taste good!
Wow that's a nice buck! Did I count (barely) 16 points!?

Judge.... LOVE that first pic! How cute! He looks like a sweetie! Glad he didn't get sick. BTW how is the roo? Is he still working out and doing his job?

CC... glad your back! Well, with Ramses home you can spoil him for awhile and say your goodbyes. I know it's hard, but with luck he'll go peacefully at home.

Well, no one came for the last kitty... here I thought she would be the first to go! Well, maybe soon. Picked up a bag of scratch from TSC today, I think I'll go back to mixing my own. It's real fine and it was kinda dark when I opened it, but didn't look like the good mix I make.

OK, that's it for now.... night all!
Good Morning! Cindy maybe I can quit rubbing chicken fat on my hands now. Kinda like the pork chop around the neck thing.
Think your double vision is back it's an 8 ptr.
CC can understand the agrivation but you get to spend more time with as long as he's feeling good....... Neat pics everyone! Think I'll get the Case to Donny's today for the winter.
CRS has shown up better go.
Morning all!
Wow! So far I'm the only one in the "currently viewing" box this morning!
Just checking in and such before chores and the grocery store run. Not much to report here so I guess that is good.

CC-My hear goes out to you and your husband. He is such a good guy....I don't know why vets sometimes do what they do. The only thing I can think of was maybe she needed to drain the fluid to see how fast it filled back up? I'm glad he's feeling a little better today though. You guys are still in my thoughts and prayers....

TO-Ok, so what I want to know is how in the heck can you got to sleep after watching a scary/creepy show? I'd have nightmares for days. I finally stopped watching The Walking Dead because the first new episode has way way to make zombies. More zombie then soap. Now Dh tells me to watch again because they are on a more soap the zombie kick. I told him no because as soon as I watch it there will be more zombies again. I hate zombies...they are my kyptonite....

Jugde-love the mini! When I lived in Cali there was a mini horse farm a few hours drive from where I lived. It was located in a touristy type town called Solvang and I did a drive by one day. It was foaling season so there were tons of little bitty horses running all over the place. It was so much fin to watch. At the time we had a Deerhound and she was taller then most of the horses!

Kristi-I will as DH if he got your stuff that you sent him. His in a national sales meeting right now and depending on his schedule it might be a few days until I get an answer.

Ok off I go...
CC- my thoughts are with you with ramses...

Delisha..wish I had space and time...would love fresh butchered chickens but this week is bonkers.

Ok does anyone on here breed or know of anyone with Polish... my silkies wold love some friends and I hear they lay better than my silkies (Only one of my three girls is laying, but my white is show quality beautiful...) and would love to get a pair of polish. They are on my spring chick list ( with the marans and olive eggers and maybe a delaware) that I would love day olds or eggs to hatch...just making my list now and checking it twice.

Almost done with the christmas shopping - just some gift cards for my mom and her bf and i am done.
Trying to convince and bribe my daughter into trying a basketball camp that our school is offering and I signed her up for. It is only 4 times on saturday mornings. I think she would be good at it.

Oh and Jim... try freezing your grapes, my family loves that for a snack and my kids swear it tastes like ice cream or icees.
Edamame beans and veggie soup for lunch today. Not sure what is for dinner...
Need to get my dehydrator up and running to make some jerky.
Sounds like Jim may do that if he don't get his feed spots down to 2 or less this winter
Morning all...slept in till 8:15 today! AAHHH! Is all I can say. I must have slept well too cause I'm not tired today. MLH--no scarey dreams either, at least that I can remember. That show is more blood and gore than anything...and creepy. I guess that could give you nightmares if Zombies do!

I think Carol is coming over this morning...man I have got to get sucking down the coffee...I keep making spelling errors! Or is that considered typing errors? Went over to MXM's last night to see about her DD's homework...she is in a "challenge" program. Man is that little girl smart and quick! I actually think that the challenge work might not be challenging enough. She had to write down a dictated sentence; my daughter made it up: "Chloe's cat Marly, likes to sleep on top of her bed." She got the whole thing perfect including the apostrophe! THe spelling words were cat, top and bed. Yeah, she might be at the end of first grade level and she is only half way through Kintergarden! WOW!

CC glad to hear that Ramses is OK for now.
That is the worst thing; going to the vet expecting one outcome and leaving after another...it goes both ways too...unfortunately we have had recent experience...

While I was out with the dogs this morning I found a bit of feathers the size of a golf ball. Looked kind of like the neck feathers of a call duck? Not sure though. My neighbor did say that he saw them near the road last week. I wouldnt be a bit surprised...cant keep those buggers where they need to be at all! If the weather would get cold and STAY cold some of the preds might go to sleep...that is the only good thing when you have outside critters in winter. I have not pulled the hose into the pit YET. Hasnt been frozen either...I do walk down the length and hand drain though. Pretty soon...pretty soon...

OK--I am going to put my Christmas dishes out and pack away the others for a bit...then my favorite ones come out in January...Red snowflakes! OOOH I just heard that there might be snow accumulation on Monday...Maybe I should go right to the snowflake ones? LOL--

Later folks--have a good one! TerriOthiningwhattodowithabeeftenderloindtonightanysuggestions?
Yea!!! I figured out what the problem was...I had altered my settings so that I wouldn't get email notifications! Well appararently if you turn this off, you can't even get email to reset a password. I simply wanted to not get an email everytime someone posted. Oh well, at least I can log in now!
Yea!!! I figured out what the problem was...I had altered my settings so that I wouldn't get email notifications! Well appararently if you turn this off, you can't even get email to reset a password. I simply wanted to not get an email everytime someone posted. Oh well, at least I can log in now!
actually you should get only one email when someone posts.. that should cover all the following ones.. but the system is sort of slipping on that note.. I get up to 3 or 4 notifications sometimes.
just delete all but one and use that one to log on.. it should put you right to where you last read from the time before..

Morning all!
Wow! So far I'm the only one in the "currently viewing" box this morning!
Just checking in and such before chores and the grocery store run. Not much to report here so I guess that is good.

CC-My hear goes out to you and your husband. He is such a good guy....I don't know why vets sometimes do what they do. The only thing I can think of was maybe she needed to drain the fluid to see how fast it filled back up? I'm glad he's feeling a little better today though. You guys are still in my thoughts and prayers....

TO-Ok, so what I want to know is how in the heck can you got to sleep after watching a scary/creepy show? I'd have nightmares for days. I finally stopped watching The Walking Dead because the first new episode has way way to make zombies. More zombie then soap. Now Dh tells me to watch again because they are on a more soap the zombie kick. I told him no because as soon as I watch it there will be more zombies again. I hate zombies...they are my kyptonite....

Jugde-love the mini! When I lived in Cali there was a mini horse farm a few hours drive from where I lived. It was located in a touristy type town called Solvang and I did a drive by one day. It was foaling season so there were tons of little bitty horses running all over the place. It was so much fin to watch. At the time we had a Deerhound and she was taller then most of the horses!

Kristi-I will as DH if he got your stuff that you sent him. His in a national sales meeting right now and depending on his schedule it might be a few days until I get an answer.

Ok off I go...
MLH - A friend of mine started watching Walking Dead in the 3rd season and then went back and watched the first 2 seasons. She said if she would have started from the beginning she probably wouldn't have stuck with it. So your husband is right, it's more soap then blood now, I guess. My friend had me start watching it. I'm only into the 3rd show of the first season. Yucky! WHY am I watching this?
Hello everyone..

Weather today is pretty good. A bit cold for the Cornish baby's to be out in. I am letting them out this afternoon if it warms up a bit.

CC sorry about what you are going through. It is something I could not do.

Off to get some chores done..later..

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