Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Well bad news, we gave rooster a week to heal, but nothing happened so we put him down. Thanks again for everything.

And more bad news, my hen has a enflamed eye. Well it is not really her eye but it is affecting her eye. It is a huge bump right by her eye. Her eye is half way open and sometimes has bubbles in it. Should I be worried or what could I do?

Colton, sorry about your roo.

Sounds like possibly an abscess? With my dogs and cats, I drain them. Then do a round of antibiotics. I am sure ff has some available.

Bad streak of luck for you lately. I hope it turns around!!
Hows all those siblings?
what a conversation to come back to lmbo FYI sex don't make babies if one is "fixed" lol


I'm missing birds. all 4 of my brahma hens are gone now and one of my guineys are missing. I'll look tonight at lock up to see what else is missing. now ok I admit it, I don't lock them in EVERY night. But if it was a critter stealing my birds, wouldn't I find a mess in the a.m.?? would they just steal one here and there?? Or is it a person??? I jumped awake at 4 this morning to a hen screaming her head off. I laid there a minute to get my wits about me but didn't hear anything else. I got up and with out turning any lights on I looked out the window, I seen nothing/no one. thinking of keeping post tonight with a gun. Gotta be a stupid person to steal chickens from me lol and yes if I see a car I will call police, AFTER I fire a warning shot lol

on a happier note, I think my frizzle is back to laying eggs again after trying and TRYING to hatch eggs since FEB! I'm gonna paint her tush and collect those eggs and hatch them! lol she's pure frizzle and the roo is pure silkie! hoot hoot!

DS15.5 is now DRIVING!
He's doing better, his first drive into the driveway I thought we were gonna hit the ditch lol needless to say I grabbed the wheel and cranked it. lol I have a lot of goals in life and NOT going in the ditch is one of them lmbo
DS8 had his tonsils and adenoids removed, THAT was interesting! Don't wanna do that again! although I wish I had mine removed when I was young. sigh
DH had ear surgery in June and still can't hear anything heck he can't even hear what he could hear before surgery
All hope isn't lost, the Dr. told us that it may take months before the swelling goes completely down returning his hearing.
not much more going on here. more dishes to wash, more food to make, later nights all = summer vacation here lol

later all
Sorry I don't really know what an abscess is. You'll have to explain it. Is it a bee sting kind of thing or a infection. To me it looks like a wasp sting.
Hi All-
welcome to the newbies
sorry about all the losses.
Got a lot done in the garden yesterday, and today I picked the currants. Going to make jam.
I gave the dried up and overripe ones to the chickens. They loved them!
Here are a few pics of the garden. Have a great day all!

Judge...I am moving in. My garden is getting over run with weeds again. Ugh. Wish I had a tractor or something big in the print to till it up and keep own some weeds. Beautiful bounty.

Rberry...did I know you were hr? Still hr at uw?
Well I start the new job next thursdaymso we took a mini vacation to,Dubuque to the Mississippi River museum and aquarium that happens to be next door
to,a small waterpark. Perfect time! Cheap and fun.mi would recommend for under kids under 10 ( only has one room and three slides and mini lazy river)
Nice to be home. Chickens did fine for two nights and neighbors took some of the eggs like I asked so that is good.

Hubby has two more days of vacation so we are going to have some local fun for our mini vacation week before I am working etc. kids school pictures and registration is next week too. Geesh always busy! Love chickie picks too. Be back later
Sorry I don't really know what an abscess is. You'll have to explain it. Is it a bee sting kind of thing or a infection. To me it looks like a wasp sting.

An abscess is when they get a small cut , and it gets infected but heals over. All the puss and yucky stuff makes a pocket under the skin. Very gross! I saw it constantly when I worked at the humane society.

But if your thinking it is a sting, get some frozen veggies on it, if it wont stress her too much. Ill do a little quick research to see if there is an antihistamine safe for chickens.

Be back soon :) hang in there

Judge, beautiful!
Colton, this is what I found. Not much on chickens with bee stings!

Keep in mind, this is not from a veterinarian. I personally would put the tenderiser/ baking soda on. But would not give the med unless she seemed like she is in shock, or allergic.

Keep us posted! Good luck.
wow I understand your concern about the noise. They are both very loud. I do not remember having ever having birds that scream. They are both screamers.

1/2 tsp per gallon
Vicki-I told you! Here you, probably, thought I was being overly paranoid because I'm some city kid hiding chickens, huh????
Those two like to talk, frequently and loudly. If I didn't know better, I'd think they were related to TOs Tommy. They are as quiet as a mouse when you are holding them or around them, but when your not...wow!
Wow... too much to comprehend....

BF so sorry for your losses... I have no idea what to do.

Spent the evening around our campfire with my sis and her family, a few bottles of wine and fixings for some fancy s'mores (PB cups, kit-kats, dark choc, and milk choc...) Good times.

Made sirloin roast for dinner tonight, along with some garlic mashed potatoes, zucchini, and spinach salad with hot bacon dressing. YUM!

Well I suppose should get ready for bed,...

night all!
I am definitely gonna try these "fancy s'mores". Why didn't I ever think about doing that?????

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