Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Cc... I'm fairly certain I have a Moose and a Moosette. I'm fearful, if judging by the dreadfully slow tail feathers, my Hershey baby wil be roo-ish as will my lav. But obviously that is not a for sure, so will wait and see...
Just talking off the top of my head right now, CRS has kicked in but if my memory serves me correctly blackhead in turkeys and peafowl is caused by a protozoa which I believe is carried by the cecal worm. ?? Like I said I could be wrong but ???? I do remember when I got my peafowl I ordered I think fish zole made by Thomas laboratories and treated all of my peafowl as a precautionary measure. I also put cayenne Pepper on their food occasionally, read that on BYC a while ago.

Here are a few places to order online.





Thank you French, I also read it was common in all poultry just not chickens. I don't have any other signs of sickness and haven't for well over 2 months but will look into this more.
Cc... I'm fairly certain I have a Moose and a Moosette. I'm fearful, if judging by the dreadfully slow tail feathers, my Hershey baby wil be roo-ish as will my lav. But obviously that is not a for sure, so will wait and see...

Big how accurate is this in Orphingtons? Im hoping very as 2 of my 3 Lavender chicks have early tails, crossing my fingers for girlies!
Delisha- I'm experimenting with ff after reading about the advantages since I've joined this site. My first batch had scratch grains added but they seemed to be wasting alot so now for over a month I've been mixing 3/4 All Flock Pellets to 1/4 alfalfa pellets. I know weird combo but they really seem to like it. The chicks sure prefer this over the dry crumbles. My question is how long does it take time wise to see overall improvements with health, less feed consumption, etc.? I think at this time im seeing about 1/3 less consumption and nearly always have dry grains left in feeders compared to them hogging it down and wanting more before days end. Prior to this I was adding pro-bios powder to their feed and if I understand this right, the ff feed grows the same lactic acid bacteria?
The Rusk County UW extension office is offering a Pullet Suprise Youth contest for ages 8-18 and my son is writing for one of the categories "A Humorous Poultry Experience" about my Black Cochin Bantam he/she rooster that's now on his 3rd batch of chick raising this year.
The prize is- grand!
A pair of show quality purebred fowl(provided by the members of the Wis. International Poultry Club), incubator, caging, feed, a copy of the 2011 edition of "The American Standard of Perfection", one year membership in the WIPC and a poultry carrier. Awards presented at the 2013 Wisconsin international Poultry Club Show.( anyone know where this is held?) I'm very hopefully his story will win but I'm sure their will be some competition.
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good morning,, If you are raising chickens of a certain breed, spell the name correctly..

It does not hurt to lift the hen off of the eggs.. If you mark them so that the mark is visible without turning the egg, then you do not have to handle any of them.. that is, draw a line all the way around the middle of the egg and another line all around in the long direction.. an O / X mark means nothing to the chicken..
then all you have to do is lift the chicken and remove any eggs that do not have these marks..
generally the new eggs will be around the outside edge of the clutch..

I like SPAM, sliced and fried.. on an English muffin with a hard fried egg, brown mustard and horseradish sauce.. beats the McMuffin all to heII ..

it was weird letting the birds loose today.. NO hens came out.. All 9 of the orphaned chicks came out, non the worse for wear .. they piled up in a corner to sleep last night..

It will be strange to not collect eggs for awhile, .. but we have about 10 dozen stockpiled, so we shouldn't have to buy any .. the BO"s are 14 weeks old,, It shouldn't be too long before they start to lay.. (i hope )

TerriO, nice of you to ignore my question.. How come nobody ever answers my questions ??
now that's funny, If nobody answers my questions,, how do I expect anyone to answer my question about not answering my questions ???

Quote: I no loner have fish, so I would not know.
Also confused Terri.
Like i said, I only know about it in fish. The flagil not work with poultry.
Delisha- I'm experimenting with ff after reading about the advantages since I've joined this site. My first batch had scratch grains added but they seemed to be wasting alot so now for over a month I've been mixing 3/4 All Flock Pellets to 1/4 alfalfa pellets. I know weird combo but they really seem to like it. The chicks sure prefer this over the dry crumbles. My question is how long does it take time wise to see overall improvements with health, less feed consumption, etc.? I think at this time im seeing about 1/3 less consumption and nearly always have dry grains left in feeders compared to them hogging it down and wanting more before days end. Prior to this I was adding pro-bios powder to their feed and if I understand this right, the ff feed grows the same lactic acid bacteria?
Pellets have glue in them. I would not ferment pellets.
If you pm me I can give you some grains you can ferment. Some use just the crumbles if they bag feed. Those do not contain glue.
If they have feed on the ground they are over fed.
I save an average of $500 a year on feed cost since I started fermenting.
Depending on what you use as an additive it is either lactic or aerobatic. You need to know what your flock needs.
ahh yes,,,,, naked showgirls,,,,chicks from the past

OMG!!!! Your sense of humor is SICK SICK SICK !!!!
(but I like it )

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