Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Judi, Remember when she first started limping and I asked you if she had Lyme Disease? Thank goodness! I seriously thought she had hip displacia last time T took her on a trail ride. I had to pick her back end up inthe morning. She couldn't get up.
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There are birds all over for sale. It is a good place to find good quality birds since many of the exhibitors bring birds for sale.
Are you selling all of your Orps too?

I took a picture of my 6 month old Gold Laced Orpington. He is really coming along nicely. He weighs 10.3 lbs.

A mighty handsome young man, indeed!!
Have any of you guys on here done vermicomposting before?? I was thinking about doing it this last spring but wanted some responses if anyone has tried it before. And this would be for the garden, not the chickens.
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Long walks seem to jump start things for me. Lots of Braxton Hicks going on, shouldn't be too very long. Unless big meanie BigFam has put a hex on me to go past due date (sept 10). She doesn't believe my belly is big enough.

Hope all goes well - and soon!!
Just dont make me RUN... But if I could lose just 20 pounds I'd be happy heck I was happy to hear on the radio today that they changed middle age to 53...So what if I am a tad over the middle everyday above ground is a good day!

As for Sweet Potatoes... when my kids were babies they loved it so much the soles of the feet were orange from the carotene... I have also heard sweet potatoe pie is better than pumpkin... sometime I am going to try it. Wonder if you can grow sweet potoatoes like potatoes in those bins?

Big Family/Heather: Still hope Friday works out for you, looking forward to meeting you in person. Hmmm if it doesnt work out, maybe we will come up for the Cow Chip throw. Back in the 70's my BIL won the contest and got a trip to Beaver OK for the national toss... One thing about cow chips in OK I think those cows eat trees they were filled with slivers

You can grow sweet potatoes from pieces - just like other potatoes. I didn't have time to put any in this year but we eat a lot of them so next year for sure.

Wisconsin Cow Pies are made with chocolate! http://www.baraboocandy.com/merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=BC&Category_Code=CP
This drier weather is a welcome relief after the last two days! The chickaroos survived the heat and humidity with the help of electrolytes and extra time under the trees outside the coop. I made several trips to the garden with A/C breaks in between so the asthma wouldn't kick in. No worries with that!

I sold a boatload of assorted tomatoes today! 21 lbs!
It was nice to get a break from peeling, cutting and freezing the leftovers from the day. Tomorrow it looks like I'll be picking almost as much again. I picked a lot of grapes today, too. Jelly/jam sounds good to me! Cukes are about done - there are only some small and deformed specimens on the vine right now. I'm going to miss them.

Fried eggplant and pork loin for dinner along with zucchini bread. YUM!
BL4!!!!! where are youuuuuuu?? I'm in need of some soaps (or the know how to make some lol) I didn't get any at the bash

hey all, whats for supper? we're having corn on the cob mmmmm, and brats mmmmm, and cucumber and tomato salad. I need more cukes and tomatoes cause I just can't get enough of that.
any who, gotta go get another pair of shoes for DD5 and a backpack for DS10

later all

BL4 PM me please
I know I spend too much On Hair cuts. I have buzzed them twice myself. Every. Single. One. Cried. Cried during and after. Cried on and off for 3 days. Whatever. But I do prefer how they look when others do it.

Amy... I think having a baby on Jim's birthday is a wonderful idea. Stay put little pointy nose, stay put! :-D

I guess I'm going to put a wire cage in the nursery pen tonight. I'll move the Orps in it. They can check each other out that way first, then I'll let them integrate in a day or two. I'm waiting until the 2 month olds are older before putting them with the main flock. George is all too interested in the little cheers and wouldn't necessarily mean to kill them, but just might.

I don't know if I mentioned it, but I hit to finally pet George the other day. Like really really pet him. His neck, his back, his chest, for a good 10 min before I had to get back in. It doesn't happen all the time, but it sure was sweet.

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