Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

My autistic son was seven when I can finally stop buying diapers. Don't give up hope. He is now 23 and doing great.
I can only assume you're reading back posts! LOL! Because out of nowhere comes an autistic diaper post!
He has just started habit training in therapy. He'll be doing it during school too. We'll figure a schedule for home as well.
Like all things, there are the up days and the down days. Only got the diagnosis in Dec. just started therapy in March. But it's a mind f-ck no matter how you slice your white bread. It's not a road we ever planned to travel. But trust in The Lord as the navigator, and he'll get us where we need to go! ;-)
I'm appalled as well at the lack of flexibility Amy. Being a former gymnast, I have been able to retain much flexibility without having to work at it at all. I think it's so very sad when a young healthy person walks around all stiff and decrepit. Just such a shame... :-D
ahh yes, I recall a picture from almost exactly a year ago of Heather doing an amazing 2 legged hop off the porch celebrating the 1st day of school, obviously displaying that gymnast ability of days gone by
Ok...busy lately so sorry not chatting much, but lurking. The family party for twins bday is today...40 some kids and adults here, then Monday there will be 18 first graders here.
But since we are talking bday...how about September 4 around 10 pm...worked for me!
Good morning...it is actually cool here right now--loving that! Busy busy weekend ahead for sure. I need to get outside...I think Momgille is coming with TWIN 18 month olds to look at chickens! (I cant wait--but I should be at least dressed!)
My friend Peggy (remember, the one with the psycho roommate and the gun?) Had her court date and she got a misdemeanor or disorderly conduct! I am glad for her. So now, her tri Australian shepherd just had puppies...she was inadvertently bred with another tri Aussie. So that was good luck for her I guess. At least she can call them purebred. They do look cute, 7 in all. I am trying to resist.
ahh yes, I recall a picture from almost exactly a year ago of Heather doing an amazing 2 legged hop off the porch celebrating the 1st day of school, obviously displaying that gymnast ability of days gone by
You have the most amazing memory Dan! I do remember that pic now that you have mentioned it. I bet you keep a spread sheet on each of us...

Not too much has happened to me since my last post...since all I did was sleep! Frenchie I am sorry about your cousin. All the really old in our family are gone and I havent had to deal with that for a while...I hope the streak continues for a good long time too! Try not to stress out about stuff...that plays a big part in heart troubles too. Remember that when they last looked at your heart it was nearly 15 years ago! I could just be back to where it was. Watch your sodium and get some exercise!

OK moving now! TErriO
Think long & hard before calling the " bat people".....the stories I can tell of folks who had to endure financial & health issues after the "bat" people, as they are required to do, reported to the DNR that a colony of endangered bats have now taken up refuge in your home.
We had the "bat people" here about 5 years ago. They sealed up the house. Then we had new windows and siding put in so I don't know if it was that, or if maybe the storm knocked things out? I know we had one bat in the attic because my mom saw it last week. I don't know what the alternative is. I cannot have bats flying around the house
Ahh, a baby pool! Who is keeping track and what does the winner get?? My dad thinks it would be great to have the kid a couple days late, on Friday the 13th. Uh, no.
I haven't received the package yet. Do you know when it should arrive?
I sent it on Thurs morn I do believe, regular first class mail (what used to be parcel post.) Maybe today you'll see it, or early next week.

Quote: I remember that hilarious pic too! Heather, I am convinced I have short tendons/ligaments, made even tighter by HS track and basketball careers. My sis, on the other hand, is very flexy and also did gymnastics when she was a kid. But I got the better teeth between the two of us, so we're even.

Judge, send the bats over here - we have so many bugs for them to scarf!

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