Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Necropsy results back from Latte: Overrunw ith Cocci. When speaking to the Dr yesterday, he said it gets the a certain point where a chicken just cant recover no matter how much medication/treatment you give them. She must have had a secondary viral infection that was then passed on to my coop. All in all pretty good news....just wish I had been able to get something stronger for Latte sooner. Anyhow quick break at work and wanted to share.
Did they recommend something stronger than what you were using on the rest of the flock?
I am glad you got your results back so soon. Sorry you lost Latte.

Quote: wow..

you are forgetting to take care of yourself..you will be no help to anyone if you do not slow down.

Sorry to hear that about Latte....

JJ...would love that info if we ever decide to butcher!

Rberry... we have soccer in the mornings and football in afternoons on Saturdays through october 26th.... but if it works best for all, I can find a way to pop in for a bit!

Pickles tonight, dehydrating pears and canning them tomorrow ... first week of school has been ok so far,,, kids are exhausted and refusing to admit it. Lets hope they rest up this weekend. Dont need crabs around
Crabs taste delicious.
Wow not many posts since yesterday.
Not much new here. I have 3 broody girls who are taking up three of my six nest boxes. I am just going to let them be and see what happens. Do you think chicks born this late will be ok? We have one Ameraucana that has become a wild chicken. She just was being picked on so bad by the other hens and once my roosters were big enough they were on her constantly. I had actually thought she died, but come to find out she has been living on the end of the free stall barn all this time. The poor girl is broody, and is sitting on a clutch of eggs next to the barn. Only problem is that she has not been around a rooster for months, so she is doing it for nothing. I am so tempted to let the workers take her and butcher her if they want. They took 6 roosters from us a few weeks ago. I should have tried catching her and sent her along too. It was funny though, she let me pick her up off her nest...
We are down to 4 chicks from the surprise hatch last month. One fell down a pipe and drowned, and the other one was murdered by the cat. They are pretty and getting big. Which is also surprising because they are completely free range except for some seeds I give them once in awhile. I think there are two girls and two boys.
DS4 would not get on the bus this morning. It was his second day of school. He was all excited until right before he had to get on. I carried him on to the bus and there was no way he was getting on. I made him stay in the house until 11 when school would have let out for him, and reminded him of all the things that his friends were doing at school. Granted I could have driven him in to school, but I didn't want him to get it in his head that he was going to pull that nonsense and Mom would take him. Hopefully my plan works, because I have no idea what will happen if he won't get on Monday!
We canned 99 pints of applesauce today. I am tired!
Hope you all have a good night
Good evening--good job Judge--that's what I always did when mine said they were sick...in bed--no TV just the radio quietly. Soup for lunch etc. They were usually only "sick" once! All of them got the perfect attendance record at least once in their school careers! Stick to your guns and he will see the way! I would also add that if he is still like that in a week to visit the school and make sure all is good. Or send one of your other kids to find out!

I have to go out and close up. THen off to bed...I have a long day tomorrow. I will be glad for september to be done--I wont have to go to Oconomowoc any more!

Nighties! TerriO

ETA--Nice birds Deli--I have seen them in person!
Forgot to congratulate you on 99 pints of beer on the...oops pints of applesauce Judge!
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Well, it's 2:02am and I'm here all by my lonesome !!! We just got back from the memorial service for my cousin over in Woodruff. They had a small gathering at Perkins after that. Then I stopped at Walmart to see what they had for fabric and to my surprise they don't carry fabric at that Walmart.

So we got home about 1am. Poor ET has to get up at 5:30am......

My poor Aunt and Uncle. My uncle broke down several times and watching my aunt saying goodbye to her son was just heart breaking.

Now I'm all buzzed up on coffee..... who knows how long I'll sleep tonight.

Judge, care to share your apple sauce making routine ??? Are you sure that hen didn't have a rooster visitor ??? lol Poor girl, don't eat her just because she is a loner :( She can make you some nice Easter Eggers !! Wish I lived closer, I'd take her. I love my Am's.

AngieB, I'm having one of my moments..... remind me was Latte the hen you were carrying around at the bash ??? Either way..... poor Latte

TO, you're funny.... 99 bottles !!!! 99 Quarts !!!

I see they have apple cider in the stores now. I paid $2.99 a gallon at Aldi's for Apple Cider. Walmart wants $4.48.. Bought two, so I can make some more apple pie shot drinks.

I also read in the paper that the UW Extension is having a canning class for learning how to can venison. It is from 9-4pm on an upcoming Saturday. $12.00 to take the class.. I'm thinking about it..

I see the chokecherry's are ripe. I popped one in my mouth today and it was very bitter, didn't strike my fancy. So I think I might just have to concentrate on doing something with the apples. I see the geese that are free ranging really love the apples.

Anyone care to share how to dry them using just one of those round dehydrators ?

Jim, why aren't you posting........ someone tick you off ??? Hope it wasn't me ?????

SClark, wow, 50 lbs is a lot to lose. You had better start drinking that Ensure. I'd drink more then one a day if you aren't eating anything else. You need that protein to heal.

Oh, Amyable. ET says you are going to have a BOY on Monday September 9th. (that is the same day I said) He said 8lbs 2 oz.... 21" long.

He didn't say what time.

I went to the Doctor's yesterday too. Actually the NP in Cardiology. She was very nice Speaking of babies. She moved her from Arizona because she didn't want her 4 children going to the Arizona schools. Get this..... all of her children are whatever you call 4 multiple births. She was carrying 6 but lost 2 at birth. She had undergone embryo transplant. She has a pair of identical twin boys and a fraternal set of twins. Nothing like getting it over with all at once hey !!!

Well, I think I am officially falling asleep here. I had better go... for now anyway !

Sweet Dreams All !!
Good morning--waiting for the sun...then I have to feed quick and head to work...be glad when this month is passed...no more early shifts (at least 45 mins away!)
That is crazy having that many babies at a time! More like having a litter I say! Four are quadruplets. Interesting that they turned out that way 2 ans 2.

I hear ya on falling asleep Frenchie...I just got up and am nodding off! Good thing I have bare feet and they are chilly or I would be right out! That would be something...get up to go to work and fall asleep drinking coffee...your poor DH--doncha know not to keep him out that late on a school night?

Cool gazebo Irish! I might have to do that with ours...the screen top and sides have seen better days. Finally we get one that doesnt blow down in the first storm and the screens goes to hell! I guess the dog running through the one side might have started it though...

Cant get used to that tool bar in Black and white!

I think I can see the light betweein the leaves out there...kinda--I better git!

Have a good one! TerriO

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