Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

There has not been anymore information released on the homicide, but the cops haven't been around lately. One of my best friends is coming tomorrow with his metal detector to look for the gun for me. If anyone has the patience and dedication it is him! Those coppers wouldn't know a gun from a stick if it bit them.

I spoke with a guy that is on my town council to ask how I'd go about requesting an amendment to the chicken ordinance. He and I had been in agreement on recycling a while back, so I thought he'd be a great guy to contact...and I was right. He requested that I send him some information via email and come to the town meeting this Tuesday at 7pm. I requested some info to be forwarded to me by a lady that recently got chickens approved in a neighboring town. She is sending me a bunch of information on neighboring communities that have allowed chickens and the ordinances that they have passed. This along with the info BL4 sent me, I should be set! Here's hoping to be able to legally keep chickens in the future! I don't have too much hope that this will change in my town however, but I won't know until I try.

Deli- that is not even your table that the squash soup picture is taken on...it has no dessert on it, so it can't be your table!

Brent-I am jealous with your bear, deer, whatever food options! I've never tried bear (unless you had some that you passed out at the bash..slight memory, but foggy, I think the alcohol had something to do with the bad memory) but we love deer. I really want to put a sign on my front lawn that reads, "We will take your does!"

Tonight was DS birthday, he is officially double digits...10. DH got him an electric blanket and I got him his very own water bottle to lose at soccer practice (good thing it was cheap).

Otherwise, the internet was repaired tonight. The poor guy was out working at the pole (hahaha) in the dark to get our internet functioning.
lol..there was apple tarts with a bunch of papers I did not want in the picture..I never cleaned the table all off. The apple tarts were yummy..I did add a pear and tried to do what CC did. I did not add enough and you could not taste it.

I really wish I could just hit like a post like Facebook...you acknowledge you read it and like what they have to say...
They do have a like bottom. It is a thumbs up on the bottom before the ""multi quote button.

For those of you who guessed this was a cockerel....you were right! Heard a 'squeaky barn door' crow this AM coming from the hen house. No boyz allowed in there so I knew right away who it was. He really filled out after that pic was taken so I couldn't deny it any more. Now I just have to figure out what to do with him.

Here he is today.

CC, is he related to the pullet?

I'm envious of you all with the great squash harvest. This year I planted butternut and they grew huge but when I cut them open they were spaghetti squash inside...the seeds must have been from cross pollinated plants. I'm very disappointed but the chickens are happy!

Bigz guess what! ......I wound up with a bear after all! A customer of mine didn't want his and gave me the whole thing. I was so thrilled I danced a little jig! BBQ bear ribs are the favorite meal in this house...reserved for special occasions. This year they'll be Christmas dinner.
Windy Again, Eh!
Glad you are safe CS! I woulda been out there lookin for that gun myself...I'm a gun guy, and it ain't gonna just lay there on my property lookin for trouble....I'd make sure myself.

Hope things work out for the springer bl4. It's not his fault for sure.

Yep, TO I can help you out....I have 2 that I should keep and 2 I can share...I'll send you a pm. They are safe in the meantime. I'm busy as heck right now, but we can figure the details out.....

Made bear sausage with ho made kraut and a buttercup squash tonight. I'm in love with the ho made kraut. I don't know why the commercial stuff is missing the zing that this has? It really takes on the flavor when cooked.The squash was sweet as can be. Almost as sweet as me....(insert gag me finger)...

Washed up the last 15 lbs of carrots. Hope they keep til they are used in roasts or glazed . I kinda like the glazed ones every now and again.

You didn't jinx me did you Jim? I had a dandy 8 point know I was there this morning....I figured he musta had some help! They sure can make you humble and cold...LOL!

Stay Safe...bigz

Hey Sweet Squash! We (the hubs, mom and I) will see you later this afternoon for chicken dinner!
HI all, Long time no see

been super busy, I should be busy right now but hey.

somebody said something about steps a few pages back (cind I think) talk about steps, we finished our upstairs for the boys (ok ya we have a few odds and ends to do up there) so now they are all "upstairs" ( which added 500 ish sq ft to our house, NICE!) I think I do those stairs 10x a day up down up down. My LEGS are killing me! lol of course I did work out with my personal trainer on Tuesday so my legs are super sore anyways lol hubby keeps laughing at me when I come down the steps saying ouch ouch ouch lol saying that's what you hired him for. hopefully by the bash I'll be down lots more weight YAY!, cause 5 months after the bash I will be Maid Of Honor and NO WAY will I be MOH at THIS weight! lol I'm already down 40lbs HOOT HOOT! anywho steps was my whole point. lol

we have sold MOST of our birds. Just to busy. I'm selling my calls (anybody? let me know!) somebody is gonna call me Sat. to see if I sold them and he will come get them (to EAT!!!!!)

We moved DH grandma in with us, she just can't take care of herself anymore. it's interesting but not to challenging.

so what have I been up to?
cleaning up after 8 people
homeschool with 1
homework with 4
caring for a 90 y/o
making meals
working out 5 days a week (once with trainer)
and countless odds and ends
apparently I like to stay busy lol

oh and I found a GREAT recipe for home made laundry soap that I LOVE!
anywho, talk later.
hey has anyone new stopped by here, from my area? I directed them here, they bought a lot of my birds. :D
I decided today that I just want a flock of Swedish flower hens. They come in so many colors, they're not too small to eat (roosters) and they have a good personality. Tge best part is, you never know what you're going to get when hatching eggs.
HI all, Long time no see

been super busy, I should be busy right now but hey.  

somebody said something about steps a few pages back (cind I think) talk about steps, we finished our upstairs for the boys (ok ya we have a few odds and ends to do up there) so now they are all "upstairs" ( which added 500 ish sq ft to our house, NICE!) I think I do those stairs 10x a day up down up down.  My LEGS are killing me! lol of course I did work out with my personal trainer on Tuesday so my legs are super sore anyways lol hubby keeps laughing at me when I come down the steps saying ouch ouch ouch lol saying that's what you hired him for. hopefully by the bash I'll be down lots more weight YAY!, cause 5 months after the bash I will be Maid Of Honor and NO WAY will I be MOH at THIS weight! lol I'm already down 40lbs HOOT HOOT!  anywho steps was my whole point.  lol

we have sold MOST of our birds.  Just to busy.  I'm selling my calls (anybody? let me know!) somebody is gonna call me Sat. to see if I sold them and he will come get them (to EAT!!!!!) 

We moved DH grandma in with us, she just can't take care of herself anymore.  it's interesting but not to challenging. 

so what have I been up to?
cleaning up after 8 people
homeschool with 1
homework with 4
caring for a 90 y/o
making meals
working out 5 days a week (once with trainer)
and countless odds and ends
apparently I like to stay busy lol

oh and I found a GREAT recipe for home made laundry soap that I LOVE!
anywho, talk later.
hey has anyone new stopped by here, from my area?  I directed them here, they bought a lot of my birds. :D

Would love your soap receipe!
Would love your soap receipe!
Here ya go lol
I made one batch with the fels napa soap then somewhere I read that you could use Dr Bronner's magic soaps!! YAY! cause I really didn't like the smell of the Fels soap. The clothes didn't smell like it but the Fles made me sneeze lol I used Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap OMWord does that smell GOOD! again, it doesn't make the clothes smell like peppermint but boy does the soap smell good lol
next I'm gonna try the almond THAT one smells GOOD too lol
I also wanna make dishwasher soap, but I still have store bought. Gonna do hand soap with dr bronner's too but I already made some liquid soap outta BL4's soap bars lol
gotta go waiting for cuties to get here lol
selling my calls
mixed feelings selling my calls, but what can I do, I'm just to busy for 4 coops over winter. down to 2 coops now only because the silkies are toooooo small for my MONSTER roo! lol
Raiment...is it any kind of bar soap that you can use? I love zum soaps from indigo wild. Goat milk soaps that smell delicious....wish i had local soap makers closer!!! Lol.. Someday I might try that one too.

Otherwise things are good. A few of my young pullets are starting to lay so huhot helps. Anyway been a solo parent all week and hubby comes back tomorrow. Kudos to single parents or those with daddy's away or on the road a lot. Not sure how they do it long term.
Hi Folks! Great news on the weight loss RAIM! CONGRATS!!! (Nice to hear from you again BTW
)GLad you finally got that bedroom finished...maybe you can soon become less busy and join us more often? Sounds like your plate is pretty full! Now a Grandma in Law too? WOW! Good thing you have that "extra" 500 sq feet eh?

I am totally exhausted from my WEAP job today! We played many games that were very physical. We are trying to find some things to do that werent "the Big Bad Wolf." That is her favorite game! My voice is getting raspy and my throat sore from all the talking and play-yelling! I hope I get used to it soon.

I had to take my barn cat into the vet today. We got her from Madison Ferals along with her kitten that was promptly hit on the road. She was having some weird walking problems and I wasnt sure what was going on. The vet thought she has some kind or neurological problem going on that wasnt really treatable....I decided To tell him to put her down. I will bury her tomorrow I guess. We had her for about 5 years I think; but who knows how old she was. The surprising thing was that she came with a kitten so she must not have been spayed...yet today (the first time I actually handled her) I found that she had no front claws? I might just call them again and find out if the kitten was really hers and if she might have been already spayed when they trapped her? It just hurts my heart if she was someone's cat and they didnt get a chance to find her! I was totally amazed...I mean who DE-CLAWS a cat and doesnt SPAY her???? Weird!

Well, stuff to do...or not...have a good night! TerriO
Raimnel, thanks again!! They are all tuckedninto the temporary pen :) the kids were so happy! Syd claimed the males and Blake the females! I will post pics for you when I get some. I was so excited about the ducks, I forgot to comment on how awesome you looked!! It feels so good to drop that weight :)

Teri, :'( so sad about the kitty. She seemed well on sunday. Very odd if she was declawed but not spayed!! How are lucky and butterfly? Wish Scott would give in!

Melissa, that is wonderful for the springer! (And you ;-))

Bigz, how are those brahmas? Scott built ours a nice outdoor pen! They have already learned to go back and forth quite well!! I think we might mix them with the flock this weekend.

Sclark, congrats on the chickie sale!! Good luck with the rest :)

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