Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I feed mine cooked beef or other meats that are left overs occasionally. They love cleaning up T-bones. I have seen them catch and eat mice before. I can't bring myself to feed them chicken. Seems wrong to me, although I know the chickens don't care. Not judging of course, just saying I don't /wouldn't. Wouldn't any diseases that might be present pass through the raw chicken guts?

Sclark - I'd advise not to feed mice to your chickens in case they might have been poisoned elsewhere you don't want your birds to ingest poison.

We never have wasted meat around here, just organs, bones/tendons, etc. and I do not feed moldy things to my birds though! Anything moldy goes into the compost.
Not that they couldn't be poisoned, but I live so far away from anyone I doubt it would happen. I'm not sure how far they travel but the nearest house is over a half mile from mine. I live in the sticks.
Raiment...is it any kind of bar soap that you can use? I love zum soaps from indigo wild. Goat milk soaps that smell delicious....wish i had local soap makers closer!!! Lol.. Someday I might try that one too.
IDK if it is ANY kind of soap you can use? I just know that I can use Dr Bronner's soaps cause I read the comments at the bottom of the page for the Laundry soap lol I use BL4's soaps for making hand soaps (cut up and just add water lol, although I think I'm gonna blend it up and see how that works lol, first I need more soap bars :D )

Raimnel, thanks again!! They are all tuckedninto the temporary pen :) the kids were so happy! Syd claimed the males and Blake the females! I will post pics for you when I get some. I was so excited about the ducks, I forgot to comment on how awesome you looked!! It feels so good to drop that weight :)
Thank you for your nice comment lol and your welcome for the ducks I'm glad they went to someone I know and didn't go for food

Raimel - what are the proportions when using the Dr Bronners instead of FelsNaptha? I definitely want to try that!
make it the same way, using the whole bar (1/2 bar per jar) I'm thinking of adding just a drop (or two) of red food coloring to the soap to make it pinkish for Christmas gifts (with the peppermint soap of course lol)

Gosh Raim, those are not my calls Cuties is getting..... LOL cuties you are going to have some real mutt duck on your hands!
no, they're not the ones from you, these I hatched from someone else's call eggs. we fed yours to some stupid wild animal lmbo

TO, "extra" 500 ft
but honestly it is nice and roomy now. should seen before, we moved grandma in before the upstairs was done. I cleaned out the big boys room (put the stuff in my room (I had 7 dressers in my room at one time and none were mine or DH's), the laundry room, and the closet) the 2 boys slept on the couch for about week. I painted the room, ripped the carpet out and installed flooring all in one day in that room, and moved her in 2 days later. Then we cleaned her apartment and worked upstairs for about 2 weeks sun up to sun down, DH worked and then worked upstairs till dang near midnight some nights. we were finally seeing the end of the project and were getting more excited than the kids (who were sleeping on the couch lol)
Chickens are Omnivorous..They do not cook the bugs before eating. I feed fresh raw organ meats. I do not eat many of the chicken livers, gizzards, hearts, brains, sex organs, or intestines. I feed them back to the birds after cleaning and examining. If the meat is loaded with buck shot I do clean it and cook it to make sure I get it all out. If it is freezer burned I do cook the meats. I do cook anything that might have molds to avoid any type of botulism or diseases from molds out of the fridge/freezer.
Over crowding causes cannibalism and poor diet not food.

I feed mine cooked beef or other meats that are left overs occasionally. They love cleaning up T-bones. I have seen them catch and eat mice before. I can't bring myself to feed them chicken. Seems wrong to me, although I know the chickens don't care. Not judging of course, just saying I don't /wouldn't. Wouldn't any diseases that might be present pass through the raw chicken guts?

If you have diseased birds..no one should eat them..cooked or raw. If I had disease..I would not have any chickens left to feed. I am a firm believer in culling. If a chick is weak or ill I give supportive care for 24 hours. If no improvement I cull. If my flock is diseased, I no longer have a flock.

Most diseases and illnesses can be seen in the liver, organs, skin, eyes, and intestines. Any irregularities seen, should not be fed to anyone. It should be sent to a lab for testing. I have killed and eaten only healthy birds. I have culled weak and ill chicks, but never an adult bird. I do not feed out dead chicks. Those are disposed of and incinerated since I do not usually do autopsy's on chicks. The one adult death I had here this year was the unexpected death of the birds I received from TO. I did an autopsy and he was healthy other than scar tissue on one valve in his heart. A pool of blood and clot surrounded his heart. He had good organs and good weight. He had no worms present in his intestines and intestines were good color and not swollen or irritated. He was a healthy bird in every other way. Bright color liver, no nods present and good amount of grit in gizzard. Sex organs intact and correct size and texture. Proper color and no staining evident in any organ. Since I found him dead in the morning and he was frozen solid i had no idea when he actually died. I can only guess it was a heart attack by what I had found. I am confident he was disease and parasite free. I did not feed him to the birds since I am not positive why.
I guess then besides the "wrongness factor" that I personally get when I think about the idea, it isn't that much of an issue on a small scale. But feeding your chickens guts to my chickens, and vice versa would likely be a problem because the would have different immunities perhaps. Anyway, to each their own. I think the meat is good for them, I just prefer cooked "non" chicken meats. :)
we feed all scraps, raw or cooked to the chickens.. I once caught a large carp.. I split it open and tossed it over the fence.. the chickens picked it bone clean.. HOWEVER< their eggs smelled like fish for awhile.. It could have been because they had fishy smell on their feet when they laid the egg ..

to everybody..

We had a delicious chicken dinner in Clintonville at Christus Lutheran Church last night! As a bonus, we met BigZ and Suzie at the door. It was the best tasting chicken ever! We ate so much we had to roll ourselves out the door at the end of the evening. Ya gotta go next year!
we feed all scraps, raw or cooked to the chickens.. I once caught a large carp.. I split it open and tossed it over the fence.. the chickens picked it bone clean.. HOWEVER< their eggs smelled like fish for awhile.. It could have been because they had fishy smell on their feet when they laid the egg ..

to everybody..


I would like to do fish more often. When I had ducks we did more fish. I have fish meal now, however someone told me it is loaded with mercury so now i am afraid to use it.
We had a delicious chicken dinner in Clintonville at Christus Lutheran Church last night! As a bonus, we met BigZ and Suzie at the door. It was the best tasting chicken ever! We ate so much we had to roll ourselves out the door at the end of the evening. Ya gotta go next year!
I want pictures of the rolling business
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