Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I can't see any open fracture, when I picked her up there was blood but I can't find the wound. I gave her some water and food but she only drank, poor thing
Hm, if it was me, I would probably give some electrolytes in the water. Wouldn't worry too much that she didn't eat. Probably really stressed.
Does it seem broken because she limps? Or because it is sticking out funny.
I would think you need to access the severity of the break. Does it seem something that would heal enough that she will beable to live happily?
Maybe wait to lake a decision until she is a little less shocked in the am....
good afternoon ..
Dave, I would try to find the owners of those dogs.. Made him pay,, I know that won't replace your pets, but it just might make him keep his dogs at home.. 3 dogs running loose is no joke.. they can be a danger to everyone.. what if they find some kid in the yard and attack him , "just for fun" ?

I know it is not legal for you to have chickens, but it is not legal to let dogs run either..

I know you won't, but I would have a gun ready in case they return for some more fun..

I finished all 3 of the hatching trays today.. they turned out just fine..

I think I have a batch of eggs due for lockdown..

Really Jim, you should write some of this down.. paste it on the incubator door ..

I have 3 late chicks from the last hatches.. 2 of them are really not looking well..

Now, you must be very extra careful.
My neighbors have a husky. Once she killed one, she was relentlessly obsessive. If these huskies live near to yo u, they will be back. Not trying to scare you. Just so ypu are not surprised. So when she is back in the coop, or if you get more....
I am so sorry for your loss.
Thanks all, I saw the dogs running down the highway about a mile from where I live. I have never seen them so I am hoping they were just passing through. Tomorrow I will reinforce the coop and keep and eye out for the dogs. I hope they are gone for good. They dug down about a foot then pushed the wire and pulled out the staple nails from the wire where it was attached to the actual coop.

I checked on the lady, I can't find any blood. She was in a different place from where I put her. Can a chicken with a broken leg move? I am sure she is/was in shock, I will see if I have any electrolites and check her in the morning. If she recovers I am thinking of getting chicks and when they are ready to join her, hopefully she will miss company enough to accept them. If not my neighbor may take her, although she is my favorite. I think she was my broody girl that I had to haul off the nest everyday for the past week. She is comfortable with me holding her and talking with her. For the next few days she will stay inside until she recovers, I turned up the heat and put the water and food directly on the floor so she can get to it without standing up.

wish me luck
I was just informed by my brother that he has seen a timber wolf in a field by our driveway, which is a dead end road. We're planning on finishing the new chicken coop this weekend and now I'm not so sure about moving them. Their inside my barn right now, but I want them inside and outside. GREAT. Any ideas?

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