Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

My project yesterday.


Dark chocolate cake with milk chocolate frosting. That frosting is nothing but a cup of butter and 1 1/2 lbs of melted chocolate.

Going sledding this afternoon to work off the cake.
Cold and Windy day here today. The gathering went well here yesterday. Any leftovers were sent home with folks that wanted them, and that didn't leave anything here at all. It's nice to send the food home with folks that love it.

In regards to the feed birdman..that's not the case here...high quality 18% layer at a reasonable price...the best anywhere...and they don't offer a cheap feed in regards to quality...just sayin.

Broke another bale of straw in the coops today for the coming cold spell. Is it Spring yet?

Watching playoffs today. Hope Rodgers is enjoying the week off.

Hey all!
getntogether was amazing last night. Certainly enjoyed the company!
The first chick of the season just arrived today :)
today will be spent finishing the pick up and relaxing.
Bbl4 the kids got drug around behind the 4-wheeler for awhile. But I do believe I feel too lazy for sledding!
We made it down the hill at least one time..... Then my DD ran into a dog, so that ended the sledding. The death gd had fun though!



Fonz found an animal hole.

I am stuffed! The Prime Rib was fantastic! It was rare even for me. I make a potato augratin with bleu cheese that was yummy too. we also had a cranberry cilantro dip. Here are some pics:
Jello from the day before at DD28's house. We had all of my family there. It was really fun!

THe Cranberry dip with cream cheese

Potatoes au gratin

Prime Rib

GF Yorkshire puddings!

It was too bad that DD28's BF was sick...he couldnt come because he was vomiting. We pent the day yesterday with him so I hope we dont all end up with it! I was glad I didnt make any desert...way too full!

I am not happy that we will be in the deep freeze again this week! I think I will be blanketing more horses by tomorrow.
Stay warm and have a great night all--TerriOheadingouttolockup
Hi All!

Real Slow day here in the Cheeseheads!

DH hasn't been feeling well, looked like sh!t tonight. Hope if he's sick in the morning he stays home!

Night All!
Freakin cold morning everyone!

The deep freeze is upon us (just like last Jan? I hope not!) and it is awfully quiet outside. Everyone is too cold to even quack or make a peep. Even the geese are refusing to get out of their cubby!

Yup, more car troubles for me, what else?! The CV keeps popping out of the axle about every other mile when driving then needs to get hammered back in. Of course SO had no better idea than to get the car parked at Stacy's and bring it back home. At 10pm last night. With it being -21F outside, not even talking about the wind chill! Fun, fun. Took a mere 2.5 hrs to drive what usually takes around 20 min. Had to pound it in only about 8-9 times on the way...

So I guess I'm taking my old, rusty sled into town. 25 yrs old, barely holding together but still going strong! Gotta love that car!

Off to check on the birdies again. Man, better not go outside without having at least 2 layers on today! Brrr. Stay warm everyone.
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