Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Cind, my best guess would be coon. So sorry.
At least it wasn't a weasel. I hope you catch it.

BBP, that really stinks about the goose. I hope it wasn't the momma too.
Hi All!

Well, Rudy went barking and chasing after something twice tonight. I checked the coop at 4 am and all is well.

Too bad about the goose, hope it's not the momma.

Night All!
Hi All!

Something got in the coop and killed 1 of my hens (where were the 13 roosters 5 guineas and 3 turkeys to protect her?
) head was ripped off and a bit of the butt chewed out. Ideas? DH is bringing home a live trap tomorrow.
The ruffed legged hawk I had here last fall did exactly that, right next to my house. I SSScared him away and he never came back. I think that is a normal predator behavior to take off the head and then start with innards.


Times two...hope all the Mothers had a great day!

Lucky morning here with my third Tom....It is a ton of fun to hunt them...thinking about a quad now.
Nice pic cuties...who's his mamma?
Dang vermin predators Cind....I've spent a lot of time making everything secure, and then they get nabbed when having the free life they deserve...just part of the whole free range poultry plan...losses will happen no matter what.

Hope your day was special....I managed to get the fence up around the big garden, and the spuds, broccoli, and late cabbage planted today, plus clean a Turkey...life is goodie!


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