Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

hi folks,

Bro Dave came out today and we got the rest of the water lines mounted a little straighter and tighter ..

chicks: chickens will always find a new and unique way to die. but don't let that stand in your way to try raising them,

maybe for your first try, don't go and buy some real expensive ones.. get some run of the mill breeds.
it is never pleasant to see one die,.. but if one dies that you really had your heart set on, that can be discouraging.

I would suggest getting no more than 6 . leghorns or egg laying hybrids would be a good choice.. they would be easy to sell if they are laying eggs.. then you can get all the different breeds you care to.. and it won't be long before you have way too many.

get yourself all set up and ready for the new chicks,
then ask any questions that will arise .

I was doing some poking around for some hybrid egg layers and I ended up on Abendroths hatchery in Waterloo. The website says they sell 18 week old gold comets for 5 dollars each? Anyone have any dealings with this place or anything? That seems like an unusually good price.
Hey guys!!

Chicks are fairly easy to raise. We use the red heat lights you can pick up at fleet type stores. Chick starter, and electrolytes in the water. I use kind of big brooders so the chicks can sit right under the heat or choose to move away. That way I do not need to regulate Temps too much.
I place the water near the light (about 8" away) for the first couple of days. And the feed more like 12" away. It is more important that they drink than eat at first. To prevent pasty butt. Which is about like constipation.
When they first go in the brooder, dip their beak in the water so they know where it is.be very careful not to get the nostrils under the water. Because normally mama would show them. They easily find the food on their own.
I leave mine in the incubator for 24 hours in wire. This way splay leg is prevented. And for the first few days I choose to keep them on paper towels. Without bedding g. Because I have seem them actually eating the pine shavings. Once they know what food is (usually 4-5 days) I add pine, not cedar chips.
Everyone will have their own opinion. And this is just what works best for us :)

When they first hatch, the wTer is right next to the first br :)
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I was doing some poking around for some hybrid egg layers and I ended up on Abendroths hatchery in Waterloo. The website says they sell 18 week old gold comets for 5 dollars each? Anyone have any dealings with this place or anything? That seems like an unusually good price.

If you are going to get production type birds, I would recommend the ones Jim had last summer. Help me out jim, black star or comet? Something along those lines.
I was doing some poking around for some hybrid egg layers and I ended up on Abendroths hatchery in Waterloo. The website says they sell 18 week old gold comets for 5 dollars each? Anyone have any dealings with this place or anything? That seems like an unusually good price.

that seems like a good price .. you skip the critical age for them to die,, and you are guaranteed all pullets..
is there a minimum number you have to buy ?

FYI >Sunnyside will have them in August, but you have to pick them up, and they don't have a price set, yet..

I bought mine at a little older age.. supposedly were POL, they were not.. I paid $10.oo/each . black stars .

Had to wait awhile for eggs.. but I am very happy with them.
Like the reds, they are very mild and tame.

If we could go in all together, one of us could order them and then bring them to the bash to divide them up.

any other opinions about the price ?

I am quite sure I could raise chicks to POL for about $7.oo. but there is lots of labor involved ..


ETA I just went to that site.. I think the $5.oo price was for the buff brahmas..
I didn't see a price for the red stars..
they have to be picked up at the hatchery,,

available in March and September.. .
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I was thinking of EEs and Araucanas. I have some barred rocks and some reds of some type. Was looking for some different egg colors.

And thanks for the encouragement on going for raising a few!
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